Human observation CR
Select one individual from each of the following life span divisions:
Early childhood
Middle childhood through adolescence
A total of three observations, one for each life span division, must be completed. You should use the Observation Form.
Assign a code name to the individual selected at each division of the life span to protect the identity of the subject. The name will usually reflect a characteristic of the individual as illustrated in names such as Miss Brown Eyes or Giggles.
Observations should be completed in a public area such as a day care, hospital, gym, school, retirement center, church group, athletic practice, or workplace.
To ensure the protection of the student, the signature of a supervisor (school principal, supervising nurse, gym instructor, etc.) or contact information (including address or telephone number) must be provided.
Note to deployed students: Age-appropriate characters from family-rated videos may be used as alternate subjects.
Specific, objective descriptions of behavior must be provided in each category.
This is a clinical style report.
Do not state an opinion or make a judgment concerning the behavior; instead, simply describe the behavior observed.
Note: Young children move rapidly and produce a great deal of observable data very quickly. Older adults may take longer to observe in order to complete each aspect of the observation.
Use the following guidance in recording observations:
Be as objective as possible.
Statements such as, “He is very smart” are insufficient.
Be descriptive and provide specifics such as, “He uses sentences which contain five words,” “She can count to ten with one to one correspondence,” or “He recalls the discussion on the editorial page of yesterday’s newspaper.”
Project Grade Information
Your project will be determined as follows:
Project Grade Components
ComponentPossible Points
Early Childhood Observation30 points
Middle Childhood through Adolescence Observation30 points
Adulthood Observation30 points
Supervisor Signature/Contact Information and proper formatting to include cover sheet and clinical writing style
10 points
Total100 points
Note: All Supervisor Signature and formatting requirements must be met in order to earn the 10 points allocated for this grade component. Any project submission failing to meet both requirements will be returned ungraded.
Observation Guidance
Completion of the Human Observation Project will require the observation of various behavioral items including:
Physical Characteristics
Motor Development
Language Development
Socioemotional Development
Response to interaction with others
Please find detailed information regarding each item inside this folder.This information is also outlined within the Observation Form.