healthy lifestyle
Formulate one new comment of your own. It must be a logical and thoughtful response that synthesizes the comments of at least 3 classmates into one comment. Be sure to synthesize; do not simply reply to each of the 3 classmates.
1. Health Educators must protect patients from harm and contribute to a healthy lifestyle. The Healthy People 2020 objectives strive to improve the health of Americans in many different ways. Based on the core ethical expectations, Health Educators are obligated to respect the principles of honesty, autonomy, beneficence, and justice, respond truthfully about their qualifications, respect privacy and confidentiality, are conscious about cultural diversity, and communicate with colleagues when unethical practices are suspected (National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, n.d.). Health Educators develop numerous strategies and goals to promote healthy practices among individuals of all ages, starting from adolescents up to adulthood. Assessing the needs and resources, planning and implementing, evaluating, and advocating health promotion are just a few roles Health Educators play in improving health (Walden University, 2019). Healthy People 2020 objectives, such as physical activity and nutrition, can be advocated through Health Educators in health classes. Health-related promotional programs will also be available to communicate via social media, in-person lectures, or posters and billboards. It is essential that Health Educators promote the Healthy People 2020 objectives in ways that everyone can understand to improve health for all.