First, open the website I have created for you and watch the video, and be sure to take notes. Then click on the assignment and rubric and read every detail. You will be graded on those details, so be sure to include them, all of them. Then, begin!

Here is the website to get started.

I included a lot of information so you can be sure to have everything you will need to be successful in writing this paper. It is an important one. Included in the website are:

  1. The instructions and rubric
  2. The EBSCOE database to search for articles (Be sure to click Peer Reviewed). You may use the full article as a source, or you may also use just the abstract as well if the article is lengthy (I am ok with that).
  3. The 5 websites I will allow for sources for your paper. Only these websites can be used besides peer reviewed journals. No other sources allowed except the ones provided.
  4. A link to the librarian and the SLC writing center. Reach out! Ask for help! That is why they are there, and they are magnificent and love helping students. So, if you are not confident in your writing, contact the writing center and get assistance. If you don’t know how to find the articles you are looking for, click ask a librarian. You will be so glad you did. 🙂