Excel T-test


My independent variables is number of instagram likes.

The dependent variables is level/degree of self-esteem.

using t-test to compare the question 6 to 7, 6 to 8, 6to 9, 7 to 8, 7 to 9, 8to 9.

Q6:If you had 100 followers on Instagram and you received 5 likes on your most recent post, how would you feel?:

Q7:If you had 100 followers on Instagram and you received 70 likes on your most recent post, how would you feel?

Q8:If you had 10,000 followers on Instagram and you received 70 likes on your most recent post, how would you feel?

Q9:If you had 10,000 followers on Instagram and you received 9,000 likes on your most recent post, how would you feel?