Emotional Intelligence and Enneagram Activity

Emotional Intelligence and Enneagram Activity

Student name:

This is an individual activity; it is not group work. Students are expected to complete their own work.

Emotional Intelligence: Review the resources in this week’s Brightspace module on EI (two videos, two articles). Answer the following questions. Be sure your answers demonstrate synthesis of the posted resources.

1. In your own words, how would you explain Emotional Intelligence (Emotional Quotient) to others? (add your answer next to bullet point)


Why is it important to grow in EQ, especially as a professional nurse? (add your answer next to bullet point)


2. What is the difference between the two types of Empathy? Next to your description, provide an example of when you showed each type of empathy.

· Affective Empathy:

· Cognitive Empathy:

3. What is Self-Awareness? Add the three components of self-awareness to the bullet points: