Colorado Christian Historical Analysis of A Selected Theorist Research Paper
1.You will submit a 4-7 page APA research paper (include a cover and reference page for a total page submission of 6-9 pages). Your research should include 5-6 various sources, including at least one journal article, Hergenhahn & Henley (2014), the Bible, and 1-2 additional sources.
Assignment: Your final project will include an in-depth historical analysis of a selected theorist, psychologist, philosopher, or another significant contribution in the history of psychology. Your discussion will integrate both psychological and theological perspectives that culminate in an integrative analysis.
Topics may include, but not limited to the following examples. See course textbook for additional concepts:RationalismPsychoanalysisStructuralismBehaviorism Individual PsychologyAnalytical PsychologyThe Darwinian InfluenceGestalt PsychologyCognitive PsychologyContemporary Psychology
introduction engages reader and focuses his or her attention on what is to follow. Clear connection to the prompt. Conclusion examines implications of the thesis and gives the reader a substantial closure/summary.
Insightful thesis clearly presents purpose, subject, or own position. Clearly responds to the prompt. Thesis is interesting, specific, and manageable.
The thesis, main points, and/or claims are supported with relevant and fully developed (reader gains insight) personal examples, textual sources and scholarly academic sources. AND Supporting evidence is accurately cited. AND Synthesis of the sources shows original thought Additional academic sources used beyond the requirement
Alternative perspectives/positions are identified. AND Student provides original perspective, drawing on course content and relevant academic research.
Strong, effective academic word choice; variety in sentence structure; active voice is primarily used.
Paper contains few format or style errors (less than 2 unique errors per page). Paper is clear and easy to read.
Student analyzes personal assumptions and perspectives, integrates course content, and offers a new approach/new perspective/new application.
Student analyzes course content against a biblical worldview. Scripture is integrated appropriately and the effects and influences are examined.