Classmates Responses Discussion

2 classmates responses, 250 words each with 2 references each.

one: The inability to have a child can be a true burden for some. Reproductive technologies have led to millions of births, easing the heartache of many who might otherwise have suffered from infertility(Stabile,1970).

There are several reproductive technologies which include fertility drugs, artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, use of a surrogate mother, zygote intrafallopian transfer and intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Although these technologies are all different from each other, they all raise certain ethical issues which should concern anyone considering them (Stabile,1970).

Ethical issues may come when there are health risks to women and children that are born because of reproductive technologies. Self-regulation guidelines have often been over looked leading to a discernible increase in multiple pregnancies and premature births. From an ethical perspective this type of issue merits ongoing attention.

A crucial issue in reproductive technologies is the safety of the embryos whether they are inside of a mother’s body or in a laboratory (McConchie, 1999). Human life begins at conception, all embryos should be treated with the utmost care.
