CBT strategies to overcome the challenges  

espond to of  your  colleagues by recommending CBT strategies to overcome the challenges  your colleagues have identified. Support your recommendations with  evidence-based literature and/or your own experiences with clients.


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Cognitive  Behavioral Therapy is one of the mostly uses approaches and techniques  to psychotherapy. In fact, it has been described by scholars as a gold  standard for psychotherapy (David, Cristea & Hofmann, 2018). CBT can  be used in family and in individual settings.  However, the therapist  needs to be aware of the different approaches and techniques that should  be utilized to make CBT effective in either setting.When CBT started to  be applied in families, behavior therapy was optimized on by using  reward and punishment in order to modify behavior. For instance, parents  were taught how to use punishment and rewards in order to modify the  behavior of their children. In the beginning of the 20th century,  cognitive strategies were also included when suing CBT in family  settings (Nichols & Davis, 2020). For example, couples may be taught  how to communicate their desires using positive reinforcement instead  of using aversive control. Therefore, when CBT is used in family  settings as described, assumptions that are underlying are identified  and reconsidered because they are the ones that support a particular  behavioral problem (Nichols & Davis, 2020). On the other hand, when  CBT is used on individuals, the focus is always on their way of thinking  and their behavior that affect how they feel and their emotions. This  is always achieved by focusing on individual automatic thoughts, their  underlying beliefs and their cognitive distortions (Chand, Kuckel &  Huecker, 2019). From the above illustrations, it is clear that the main  difference that exists between CBT in individual and in family setting  is that in the latter, there is always the need to integrate the general  systems theory with CBT in a fashion that appreciates the conjoint  nature of members of a family (Patterson, 2014).

From the practicum experience, there are very many cases that can be  used as example to illustrate the differences.  For instance, when a  client is dealing with anxiety, CBT is used to help the client to deal  with his or her beliefs and cognitive distortions that will eventually  help them have less disturbance. After the therapy, the client is always  able to control his or her worries and feel better. However, when it is  a family setting, there is always a need to appreciate the family as a  system where different units relate with each other and affect each  other. Thus, the issues that always have to be addressed affect members  of a family in a collective manner and this means that the strategies  used in CBT ought to be applied collectively. One challenge that  therapists might face in using CBT in family settings is that families  may have different values and assumptions as well as deep emotional  problems, making it hard for the therapist to be effective. At times, it  is the assumptions and values of the therapist about family that might  act as a hindrance to effective utilization of CBT. In addition, how a  family s organized as a system is important (Nichols & Davis, 2020).  A therapist may fail to appreciate they organization of a particular  family system and this may present challenges when using CBT in family  settings. Individuals in a family also have different experiences and  this may affect their personal interpretation about events in the  family. As such, when using CBT in family settings, therapists may find  it hard to address the interest and needs of individual members. In the  video, even though each client had different experiences, it seemed like  they had their own understanding and interpretation of the events. The  latest felt like talking about it as they were added more distress to  her. Maybe this explains why for a while CBT was used to treat issues  facing individual family members that helping families (Dattili &  Collins, 2018).


Chand,  S. P., Kuckel, D. P., & Huecker, M. R. (2019). Cognitive behavior  therapy (CBT). In StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing

David,  D., Cristea, I., & Hofmann, S. G. (2018). Why cognitive behavioral  therapy is the current gold standard of psychotherapy. Frontiers in  psychiatry, 9, 4

Dattilio, F. M., & Collins, M. H. (2018). Cognitive-behavioral family therapy. Guilford Press

Nichols, M., & Davis, S. D. (2020). The essentials of family therapy (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.