Care accountable care organization

Care accountable care organization

This homework consists of 3 separate homework each focused on a specific case study. Each case and subsequent homework question are taken from the Olden text.


In order to fully answer each homework question, your response should typically range between 1 ½ -2 pages per question or 4-5 pages for the entire homework, double spaced using 12-point typeface. Each homework is worth a maximum of 33 points.

Please submit your homework by Wednesday October 27, 11:59 pm.

I. Hospice Goes Hollywood-p. 416

After reading the above case, select four managerial roles from Mintzberg’s list of ten found on p.44 in the text. For each role selected explain how Ms. Thurmond should use each in order to implement policies and procedures for accreditation. Provide specific examples from the case to demonstrate how each role should be used.

II. How can an ACO Improve the Health of Its Population-p.417

After reading the above case, assume Vandalia Medical Center (VMC) developed the Vandalia Care accountable care organization (ACO) as part of VMC’s strategic planning. Which external opportunities and which external threats might have led VMC to start the ACO? Which critical issues do you think VMC is trying to resolve by developing the ACO?


III. The Rocky Road to Patient Satisfaction at Leonard-Griggs-pp.423-425

After reading the above case, discuss the reasons for the existence of an informal organization at Leonard-Griggs and then explain how that informal organization might affect Ms. Ratcliff’s plans to implement a patient satisfaction survey. How should Ms. Ratcliff deal with the informal organization moving forward?