Biomedical Ethics
Biomedical Ethics
E-Poster: Chapter 12
Objective: The students will complete an E-Poster, The purpose of the poster is to serve as a summary and an advertisement of the work that supplements the researcher’s presentation. The poster could be thought of as an illustrated version of the abstract with visual displays of data and small blocks of text that explain the project and support the data.
Students will judgmentally measure the readings from Chapter 12 in your textbook. This assignment is planned to help you examination, evaluation, and apply the readings and strategies that can apply to any health care institution.
Choose a free topic from your readings on chapter 12
The E-Poster needs to include the following:
1. Introduction
2. Statement of the issue
3. Evidence supporting the issue
4. Prediction of the issue
5. Conclusion
6. References: minimum of three references from peer-reviewed nursing journals (encourage the use of international journals). Articles need to be within the last 3 years unless historical.