Entries by Merit Writer

Nursing Theory

Nursing Theory  1) Minimum 3 full pages (No word count per page)- Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per part.   2)¨******APA norms All paragraphs must be narrative and cited in the text- each paragraph          Bulleted responses are not accepted          Don’t write in the first person  Don’t copy and paste the questions.          Answer the question objectively, […]

Conflict Resolution Through Emotional Competence

Conflict Resolution Through Emotional Competence Scenario: A team of highly competent members has become adept at organizing and managing itself. The self-sufficiency of the team is appreciated by senior leadership. Who assumes the team can respond to challenges without support or guidance, given the team’s legacy of success. Recent challenges incited the team to request […]

Intervention And Ethical Decision-Making

Intervention And Ethical Decision-Making When it comes to facilitating spiritual care for patients with worldviews different from your own, what are your strengths and weaknesses? If you were the patient, who would have the final say in terms of ethical decision-making and intervention in the event of a difficult situation?   Using 200-300 words APA […]

Health Administration

Health Administration The requirement that hospitals comply with regulations surrounding the release of patients’ health care records You are an assistant administrator in a nonprofit hospital that receives Medicare and Medicaid funding. Your boss has asked you to make a presentation to other leadership about one of the above policies. She would like for you […]

The influence of leadership

The influence of leadership The influence of leadership can be far-reaching in practice and improving patient outcomes even when not in a formal role. Describe advocacy strategies that you can use as a leader to create positive change in your current workplace. In response to peers, describe a time when you provided leadership and the […]

advancing the nursing discipline, profession, and science

advancing the nursing discipline, profession, and science Are all RNs responsible for advancing the nursing discipline, profession, and science?     What are our responsibilities as a collective discipline and profession and as individuals? What is evidence-based practice (EBP) and how does it fit with theory-driven practice? Re-visit the Week 1 discussion. Have your positions on or […]

the role of alcohol in weight gain

the role of alcohol in weight gain For this assignment, I want you to act like you have a son/daughter leaving for college this year.  I want you to create an informational speech to give to your son/daughter on excessive drinking on college campuses and what the dangers are.  You will need to expand on […]

International Disaster Risk Factors

International Disaster Risk Factors In this assignment, you will identify the risk factors that influenced the consequences of an INTERNATIONAL natural or man-made disaster and propose a plan to improve the disaster response for similar disasters. Step 1: Choose a disaster that occurred in a country (outside the United States) within the past 50 years Step 2: Use the attached rubric […]

Religion In Nursing

Religion In Nursing The research  must address the following: Describe the major beliefs of that religion. Identify major religious holidays in that religious tradition. Discuss how the religious beliefs of the people practicing the religion you chose affect the health of the congregation. Compare and contrast the religion chosen with the Judeo-Christian beliefs that are commonly […]

 Determinants of Health

Write a Formal Letter: based on the determinants of health (p.89, Fig 4-1).CHOOSE one (or a combination) determinant. Then write a letter to either a public health organization (i.e.  World Health Organization (WHO.int),  Center for Disease Control (CDC.gov),  American Public Health Association (APHA.org), or  Institute of Medicine (IOM), now know as the  National Academy of Medicine (NAM.edu) and recommend how the organization can improve their assessment, policy, […]