Entries by Merit Writer

the types of head and neck carcinomas

the types of head and neck carcinomas You are a 2-year graduate of an accredited AGACNP master’s program. You are now a certified AGACNP practicing on a very busy inpatient oncology unit. Your patient is s 45-year-old male with head/neck cancer. This is a new diagnosis, but the patient has lost over 60 pounds in the […]

excellent leadership in healthcare

excellent leadership in healthcare Please Reply to the following 2 Discussion posts:   Requiremen t   APA format with intext citation Word count minimum of 150 words per post References at least one high-level scholarly reference per post within in the last 5 years. Plagiarism free. Turnitin receipt.   DISCUSSION POST # 1 Ho R […]

Building a Health History

Discussion: Building a Health History week 1 Effective communication is vital to constructing an accurate and detailed patient history. A patient’s health or illness is influenced by many factors, including age, gender, ethnicity, and environmental setting. As an advanced practice nurse, you must be aware of these factors and tailor your communication techniques accordingly. Doing […]

key moral problems of recent healthcare technology

key moral problems of recent healthcare technology For this week’s assignment respond to one of the following options, and include Option 1, 2, or 3 as part of your heading. Option 1: The first option is to name and describe in detail a key specific and recent healthcare technology. What are at least two key moral […]

how to deliver client-centered culturally competent care

 how to deliver client-centered culturally competent care In this written assignment, you have the opportunity to share your thoughts about how to deliver client-centered culturally competent care and work collaboratively with others. The Case of Mrs. G. Mrs. G. is a 75 year old Hispanic woman who has been relatively well all of her life. […]

Penicillium Camemberti

Penicillium Camemberti Jennifer Carrigan Microbiology 1- Dr. R Penicillium Camemberti is ; is a “yeast like” fungus from the penicillium group, it is a cellular microorganism. said to be a “domesticated” form of penicillium commune. widely and predominantly used in the dairy industry. This fungus is the only truly filamentous strain used for white mold cheese […]

Master Degree Nurse Practioner program

Master Degree Nurse Practioner program This is a Master Degree Nurse Practioner program minimum of 350 words. With at least 2 peer review reference in 7 the edition apa style.  Please do not use international references. Mrs. P. has been in the ICU for several days, has made gradual progression, and appears to be doing […]

Supply Chain Management Role in Controlling TB

Supply Chain Management Role in Controlling TB Instructions – Provide a 2 to 3 research page (How to write a research paper) paper that includes the following items: 1. A description of the role/position as you understand it, specifically The level of the management the position is on (please remember- none of the positions is […]

screenings to anticipate a patient’s health needs in the future

screenings to anticipate a patient’s health needs in the future Number 1 post: CF   Nurse practitioners (NPs) look beyond routine screenings to anticipate a patient’s health needs in the future. By providing relevant educational information. And encouraging regular follow-up visits to assess progress. And alter wellness plans, NPs can not only assist patients in […]