Entries by Merit Writer

the clinical preventive service

the clinical preventive service The following two weeks we will be discussing the clinical preventive service and our role on disease prevention. A valuable website to review the screening prevention recommendations based on the latest evidence based practice : https://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/Page/Name/home On your discussion this week answer the following questions: 1.) What is the U.S. Preventive […]

the evolution of nursing informatics

the evolution of nursing informatics Nature offers many examples of specialization and collaboration. Ant colonies and bee hives are but two examples of nature’s sophisticated organizations. Each thrives because their members specialize by tasks, divide labor, and collaborate to ensure food, safety, and general well-being of the colony or hive. Of course, humans don’t fare […]


Carbohydrates Carbohydrates have been wrongly accused of being the “fattening” ingredient of foods, thereby misleading millions of weight-conscious people into eliminating nutritious carbohydrate-rich foods from their diets.  In truth, people who wish to lose fat, maintain lean tissue, and stay healthy can do no better than to attend closely to portion sizes and calorie intakes […]

Assessing And Diagnosing Patients With Mood Disorders

Assessing And Diagnosing Patients With Mood Disorders Accurately diagnosing depressive disorders can be challenging given their periodic and, at times, cyclic nature. Some of these disorders occur in response to stressors and, depending on the cultural history of the client, may affect their decision to seek treatment. Bipolar disorders can also be difficult to properly […]

Shelter for battered women.

 Shelter for battered women. Power Point Presentation Topic: Shelter for battered women. Research the institution to see first hand what services they provide. Brief overview of the institution including history, when established, and the population it services. Describe the vulnerable population you encountered while visiting the facility. Why is the above population considered vulnerable? What […]

Technology Application

Technology Application In the Discussion for this module, you considered the interaction of nurse informaticists with other specialists to ensure successful care. How is that success determined? Patient outcomes and the fulfillment of care goals is one of the major ways that healthcare success is measured. Measuring patient outcomes results in the generation of data […]

Advanced Pharm Opioids

Advanced Pharm Opioids Patient rounds involve various disciplines coming together to discuss the patient’s condition and coordinate care. They are used as an educational tool and also help keep everyone on the same page when it comes to the treatment plan. The following case is found in the textbook (Pharmacotherapy: Principles and Practices. Chisholm-Burns et […]

Radiology Discussion

Radiology Discussion What happens during the fraction of a second when a technologist presses the exposure button? What is the importance of knowing the steps involved in creating an image? Why can’t the technologist just place the patient under the collimator light and press the exposure button? Reimbursement trends in medicine strongly encourage radiology departments […]

Developing Organizational Policies And Practices

Developing Organizational Policies And Practices Competing needs arise within any organization as employees seek to meet their targets and leaders seek to meet company goals. As a leader, successful management of these goals requires establishing priorities and allocating resources accordingly. Within a healthcare setting, the needs of the workforce, resources, and patients are often in […]

Concept Map Grading Rubric

NR226 RUA Concept Map Grading Rubric NR226 RUA Concept Map Grading Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Introduction of Disease (10 points/10%) 1.Age 2.Medical diagnosis 3.Brief review of underlying pathophysiology *List what functional changes are happening *List process that initiated and maintained disorder or disease