Entries by Merit Writer

domains of Professional Identity in Nursing.

domains of Professional Identity in Nursing. Step 1: Listen to the following: Priddy, K. D., Lindeman Read, J., & Weybrew, K. (2020, September 15). Professional Identity in Nursing: Background and introduction. https://sigma.nursingrepository.org/handle/10755/21082 (Links to an external site.) (Link will open in new tab.) Step 2: List and define the domains of Professional Identity in Nursing. What are the benefits […]

Birth Control

Birth Control Topic: Choose one method of birth control and describe how the method actually works. List the advantages and disadvantages of the method. Give a valid argument for the use of this method instead of using other methods. Discuss reasons why it would/could or would/could not be used properly and on a continual basis.

Mental Institution

Mental Institution Directions: This is the essay portion of your Unit 2 Exam. Click on “Open” below and answer ALL of the following questions. Please be sure to answer the questions completely by writing at least one paragraph response for each. Click “Save” when you are done. Mental health is a combination of three interconnected dimensions. […]

the depression treatment guidelines

the depression treatment guidelines https://psychiatryonline.org/pb/assets/raw/sitewide/practice_guidelines/guidelines/mdd-guide.pdf https://www.healthquality.va.gov/guidelines/MH/mdd/VADoDMDDCPGFINAL82916.pdf https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/cg90 Review the depression treatment guidelines (APA, VA/DoD, NICE) the above links and compare the recommendations. Which guidelines do you find most useful? Least useful? Why? Compare and contrast each of the guidelines, and provide rationale for which one you are most likely to use as a first-line reference […]

the moral or the legal right to refuse care

the moral or the legal right to refuse care In 1973, Dax Cowart was involved in an accident and suffered the loss of both hands, eyes, and ears, and two-thirds of his skin area. The accident also killed his father. Dax spent 232 days hospitalized in a burn unit, followed by another 6 months at […]

Effectiveness of Hygienic Hand Washing Training on Hand Washing Practices and Knowledge

Effectiveness of Hygienic Hand Washing Training on Hand Washing Practices and Knowledge 360 Copyright © SLACK Incorporated Effectiveness of Hygienic Hand Washing Training on Hand Washing Practices and Knowledge: A Nonrandomized Quasi-Experimental Design Mete Kagan Karaoglu, BSc, RN, MSc; and Semiha Akin, BSc, RN, MSc, PhD Hygiene is considered as an integral part of hospital […]

Define the terms broad-spectrum and narrow-spectrum antibiotics

Define the terms broad-spectrum and narrow-spectrum antibiotics 1. Define the terms broad-spectrum and narrow-spectrum antibiotics. List factors that determine which antibiotics are ordered. List the advantages and disadvantages of each.   2. Hospitalized patients frequently require antibiotic therapy. Identify a patient in the clinical setting who is receiving antibiotic therapy. Describe three common adverse reactions […]

Health Care Beyond The Hospital

Health Care Beyond the Hospital (105 points) Many sectors beyond healthcare facilities need national health policies. Health disparities result in worse outcomes for the poor. A national or regional health policy can protect vulnerable populations from poor quality healthcare and a lack of access to health needs. Find a case study examining a vulnerable population […]

develop the plan discussing the steps clearly and succinctly

 develop the plan discussing the steps clearly and succinctly The final step is to develop the plan discussing the steps clearly and succinctly. The plan must be evidence-based. Post an explanation of how you could apply key interventions supported by the scholarly research evidence to potentially help resolve the issue  of medication error rates in measurable […]

Ergonomic designed product

Ergonomic Keyboard Tray Ergonomic designed product Ergonomics is the way toward planning or orchestrating work environments, items and frameworks with the goal that they fit the individuals who use them. Ergonomics intends to improve workspaces and situations to limit danger of injury or mischief. By planning an occupation to consider great stance, less effort, less […]