Entries by Merit Writer

The theoretical foundations of qualitative and quantitative methods

The theoretical foundations of qualitative and quantitative methods With 300 words and 2 references each: 1) The theoretical foundations of qualitative and quantitative methods are very different. But many researchers believe both methods should be used in the research study to increase validity and reliability. What advantages or disadvantages do you see in using both […]

the definition of an e-patient

the definition of an e-patient What is the definition of an e-patient? (Use the video and your textbook to provide a thorough response). Understanding the healthcare system as a consumer TEDTalk 1. What is the difference between a grocery store and the world’s healthcare system? 2. In the ten years leading up to the passing […]

Strategic Planning and Financial Management

Assignment: Strategic Planning and Financial Management Presentation: The advance practice nurse is preparing to examine the role of strategic planning and financial management. There is a need to address and explore the process of reviewing financial plans and bench-marking to promote quality care. This presentation will examine the Doctor in Nursing Practice Essentials and reflect on […]

Concepts Of Healthcare Informatics

Concepts Of Healthcare Informatics Running head: HEALTHCARE DATA TOOLS STANDARDIZATION 2   HEALTHCARE DATA TOOLS STANDARDIZATION 2 Healthcare data tools standardization Student’s name: Professor: Date: In health care, there is a need to have standardized tools in place to ensure efficiency. And effectiveness in all aspects of data. Data need to be mined, analyzed, stored. […]

family nurse practitioner specialty.

family nurse practitioner specialty. Chose an Issues or concerns within your family nurse practitioner specialty.  Select a theory or theoretical model which is relevant to your nurse practitioner specialty. And would offer a meaningful context for evidence-based practice surrounding the issue or concern which you identified. In a PowerPoint Presentation, address the following. Introduction to […]

pain relieving medications

 pain relieving medications What pain relieving medications would you prescribe? Defend your choice. Tylenol (Acetaminophen) would be my recommended first line of therapy if a patient is unable to take NSAIDs due to adverse reaction like GI Bleed (CDC, 2020). Evidence shows that non-opioid treatments like acetaminophen or ibuprofen can be more effective than opioids […]

orthopedic issues

orthopedic issues To build on the last couple of weeks and given that there are many clients and athletes that have medical and/or orthopedic issues, one has to wonder why so many Personal Trainers advertise that they have an “expertise” in more than one area.  I have seen advertisements that say that they are experts […]

Healthcare Research Funding

Healthcare Research Funding discuss: There is only one constant in healthcare: change, continual changes in policies, guidelines, practices, and procedures. Most of the changes are based on evidence-based practices (EBP), but where does the evidence emit? The answer is from change projects or research. Then there are the questions of who funds the projects and […]

body parts of fetuses from abortion clinics

body parts of fetuses from abortion clinics Reportedly, at least two companies specialize in buying the body parts of fetuses from abortion clinics and selling them to universities and medical institutes for the use in research. One of these companies reportedly charged $999 for a human brain under 8 weeks gestation, $450 to $100 for […]

regulatory roles in the body.

regulatory roles in the body. List three important cations and anions that serve critical or regulatory roles in the body. Name the most abundant chemical constituent in blood plasma interstitial fluid, and intracellular fluid. How does aldosterone secretion restore normal ECF volume it decreases below normal? Identify the two substances that are most important in […]