Entries by Merit Writer

Knowledge and attitude about Covid 19 Report

Knowledge and attitude about Covid 19 Report Assignment 1 Literature Review   Please search and find at least three journal articles on “Knowledge and attitude about COVID-19” Write the literature review that should be of 2 pages with a text of no more than 600 words. Excluding references with a font of Times New Roman […]

Assessment Tool for Individual Leadership Development

Assessment Tool for Individual Leadership Development Review the assessment tools for individual leadership development (link provided within the topics in this lesson). Based upon your knowledge of the leadership skills needed in the long-term care industry, select ONE assessment tool and complete your individual assessment. Score the tool and review the findings. 1. For your […]

 Sociology in Digital World Health & Medical

Assignment Content This competency will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of prominent sociological theories and how they impact the digital world. Instructions You are working for a local department store in the Operations Department. You notice that their business practices and use of technology are not up to date. The Human Resources Department does […]

Organizational Cultures in Healthcare in US

Locate and review an article related to topics covered in this unit (e.g., business alliances, building alliances, healthcare alliances, strategic alliances in health care, healthcare acquisitions, or healthcare mergers). The article you select must not be more than five years old. Write a summary of the article. Include the following: purpose for the article, how […]

The Value Of The Humanities

Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Minimum of 1 scholarly source Use textbook Chapter 1 Initial Post Instructions For the initial post, address the following: What is the value of studying the humanities in the field of health professions? How might a topic such as art, literature, music, dance, etc. from other […]

Maryland Managed Care Website(s)

Assume you are a Maryland resident and Medicaid recipient looking to enroll in a managed care plan, review the Maryland Managed Care Website(s) at:https://mmcp.health.maryland.gov/healthchoice/Pages/HealthChoice-Enrollment.aspx https://mmcp.health.maryland.gov/healthchoice/pages/home.aspx Assess and evaluate HealthChoice, Maryland’s statewide mandatory managed care program based on the following evaluation criteria. Please choose one (1) of the MCO’s under HealthChoice to evaluate (e.g., Maryland Physician’s […]

Vaccine that MOH Provided and Health Policies

 Vaccine that MOH Provided and Health Policies Our country one of the most powerful country that facing the pandemic (Covid 19) since it starts. Also, the ministry of health is working very hard to keep the population safe and one of their precautions is provide the vaccine to population. In two or three paragraph (APA […]

Treatment Of Sleep/Wake Disorders

Treatment Of Sleep/Wake Disorders The power of sleep to heal the body cannot be underestimated. Most research indicates that 7–8 hours of sleep are a minimum that people need to stay healthy. Clients who come to the PMHNP’s office frequently complain of sleep problems. It is estimated that 10–20% of patients report some type of […]