Entries by Merit Writer

the US Bureau of Labor Statistics

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (as cited in American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2019), over 200,000 new RNs will be needed each year through 2026 to replace nurses who retire and to fill new positions. National Council of State Boards of Nursing and The Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers (as […]

Professional Portfolio

A.  Complete the following, using OneNote: Note: The directions to access and use your e-portfolio can be found in the web links section below, which will take you to the “Knowledge Base Article.”   1.   Create a professional mission statement (suggested length of 1 paragraph) that includes the following: •  a representation of your career […]

type of duties you carried out during internship experience

type of duties you carried out during internship experience The purpose of the journal entry is to provide a weekly overview of the type of duties you carried out. During your volunteer or internship experience and relate this to your current academic course work. In 250-300 words, describe the general responsibilities you managed this week […]

marijuana as an illegal substance

Discussion post 1: 200 words. For decades now, the topic of CBD and THC, as an adjuvant to therapies for various illness. And symptoms, such as Parkinson’s, chronic pain, nausea and pain secondary to chemotherapy, autism, among other conditions, has circulated within healthcare. Medicinal uses of marijuana, hemp, and other derivatives have been noted since […]


Parent Teaching Project A critical component of pediatric nursing is teaching parents how to care for their child, particularly during an illness or after a procedure.  To develop this skill, the student will complete a parent teaching project. Students will be assigned a topic and developmental stage upon which to focus.  With that information, the […]

Healthcare Security

Right now, you are starting out and learning about HIM. With luck and perseverance, one day you will be running the show. Put yourself in a leadership HIM position for this assignment. Review and read this article: Healthcare Security – What Your Practice Needs to Know Focus on section 3: Establish security rules. Humans are the […]

national health service (NHS)

differences between national health service (NHS) and national health insurance (NHI) systems – What are the key differences between national health service (NHS) and national health insurance (NHI) systems? – How do NHI and NHS systems compare with the health care system in the United States? – How do most countries with similar levels per […]

Diagnostic Criteria for Cannabis Use Disorder

Cannabis Use Disorder Cannabis, which is commonly called Marijuana, is the most abused illegal substance, and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the active ingredient in Cannabis, makes Cannabis an addictive substance (Patel & Marwaha, 2019). Cannabis is considered by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as Schedule One drug, and it has no accepted medical purpose […]

work of art titled Ash Road by Michael Mulhern

Professor and Class, For this discuss post, I have chosen to discuss option three. Which entails choosing a work of art that represents a real-life event. I have chosen the work of art titled Ash Road by Michael Mulhern. This work of art is a painting that was created by a person that lived in […]

Understanding influenza vaccination behaviors

Summarize in detail and thoroughly each article / journal below Jeremy Ward & Jocelyn Raude (2014) Understanding influenza vaccination behaviors: a comprehensive sociocultural framework, Expert Review of Vaccines, 13:1, 17-29, DOI: 10.1586/14760584.2014.863156. Casalino, E., Ghazali, A., Bouzid, D., Antoniol, S., Pereira, L., Kenway, P., & Choquet, C. (2018). Patient’s behaviors and missed opportunities for vaccination against […]