Entries by Merit Writer

clinical decision-making skills

Review the course objectives and consider how you can develop the specified skills and competencies while applying clinical practice guidelines as an AGACNP providing patient care and creating appropriate patient-centered care plans. List three to five clinical objectives and write a 250-word summary of your plan to incorporate the course objectives and clinical practice guidelines […]

Information Management and Application of Patient Care Technology Competencies Self-Assessment

Please download and complete the Week 8: AACN The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education Essential IV: Information Management. And Application of Patient Care Technology Competencies Self-Assessment. Click here to access the NUR4870 Nursing Informatics_Week 8 AACN BSN Self-Assessment  NUR4870 Nursing Informatics_Week 8 AACN BSN Self-Assessment – Alternative Formats Please complete this Self-Assessment prior to answering the questions […]

Cardiovascular Discussion

Cardiovascular Discussion Discussion All Topics Below: Define apical impulse and describe its normal location, size and duration. Describe which abnormal conditions may affect the the apical impulse and explain why. Explain the mechanism producing normal first and second heart sounds. Explain the position of the valves during the cardiac cycle is diastole, isometric contraction, systole […]

Leadership Profile

Discussion 2: Your Leadership Profile   Do you believe you have the traits to be an effective leader? Perhaps you are already in a supervisory role. But as has been discussed previously, appointment does not guarantee leadership skills. How can you evaluate your own leadership skills and behaviors? You can start by analyzing your performance […]

Medical-Surgical Nursing Lab.

Hello, this is an assignment from the Medical-Surgical Nursing Lab and the teacher wants a nursing note related to Postoperative Nursing Care (No less than 10 sentences). Please create a real case on an unreal patient and You must complete the attached file with the patient’s nursing care notes. Bibliography: 1. Ignatavicius, D., & Workman, […]

Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns.

Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns. Compare and contrast the growth and developmental patterns of two toddlers of different ages using Gordon’s functional health patterns. Describe and apply the components of Gordon’s functional health patterns as it applies to toddlers. Instructions: Word limit 500 words. Support your answers with the literature and provide citations ( last 5 […]

Digital Clinical Experience

Digital Clinical Experience In Week 3, you began your DCE: Health History Assessment. For this week, you will complete this Health History Assessment in your simulation tool, Shadow Health, and finalize it for submission.   To Prepare Review this week’s Learning Resources as well as the Taking a Health History media program in Week 3, and […]

Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring

Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring Students will select one nursing research article that focuses on a study that used Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring as a theoretical framework. Students should use as a guide, an appropriate Rapid Critical Appraisal Checklist found in Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2019; pp. 708-722). The critique should be informal […]

Appraisal of Quantitative and Qualitative Research for Nursing

Case Study: Critical Appraisal of Quantitative and Qualitative Research for Nursing Practice Introduction. Unrelieved postoperative pain remains a common problem despite advances in pain management. Complementary music has been suggested as an adjuvant to the standard of care treatment for postoperative pain. Purpose. The purpose of this study was to determine if music therapy was an […]

Differential Diagnosis For Skin Conditions

 Properly identifying the cause and type of a patient’s skin condition involves a process of elimination known as differential diagnosis. Using this process, a health professional can take a given set of physical abnormalities, vital signs, health assessment findings, and patient descriptions of symptoms, and incrementally narrow them down until one diagnosis is determined as […]