Entries by Merit Writer

Complementary And Alternative And Crisis Intervention

) Minimum 8 full pages (No word count per page)- Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per part.             Part 1: minimum 4 pages             Part 2: minimum 4 pages     Submit 1 document per part 2)¨******APA norms All paragraphs must be narrative and cited in the text- each paragraph           Bulleted responses are not accepted           Don’t write in the […]

Practice Readiness And A Call To Action

At least 2 pages- at least 2 references (must be within 5 years). Please Provide turni-it in report with zero plagiarism.   Practice Readiness and a Call to Action For this last week of discussion, go back to the lesson for the week and review the Nurses on Boards and the National Nurse Campaign(See next […]

Final Contraceptives

How to instructions Return to the topic you chose in the week three. Articulate a specific dilemma in a situation faced by a particular person based on that topic. The situation can be real or fictional. write a summary of the dilemma. Define any needed key terms associated with the dilemma. Analyze the conflicts or […]

Medicare and Medicaid question

Consider how people qualify to receive Medicare and/or Medicaid. And write a paper that addresses the bullets below. There should be four (4) sections in your paper; one for each bullet below. Separate each section in your paper with a clear brief heading that allows your professor to know. Which bullet you are addressing in […]

Virtuous Person Virtuous Citizen

Introduction Each person owes a duty to himself or herself. And to the world to study ethics and to engage in thoughtful debate about what is right. And what is wrong. It is this habit of thinking about. And reflecting on ethics that will help you determine the right choices when faced with an ethical […]

negotiation as it applies to patient education

Write a short (50-100-word) paragraph response for each question. This assignment is to be submitted as a Microsoft Word document. Define negotiation as it applies to patient education. Explain how the change in the patient’s status through the years has affected patient education. List the pros and cons of negotiation. Describe the general conditions that […]

Embryonic Development

Embryonic Development Instructions from my professor: In a two-page paper, give an overview of the embryonic stage of development. · Describe the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm and their associated structures. · Discuss the structure and function of the embryonic disk. · Describe embryo development and the role of chorionic villi. · Include any environmental factors that may cause malformations in the developing embryo.   Assignment Expectations for Grading:     1. Demonstration of critical thinking, scholarship, and ability to connect and apply the material […]

Community-Based Nursing Practice

Case Study, Chapter 2, Community-Based Nursing Practice 1. Mr. Jones, who is 74 years of age, is being discharged home after having a right knee replacement. The discharge orders from the orthopedic surgeon include: continuous passive motion (CPM) at the current setting of 0-degrees extension worn when walking with crutches (nonweight-bearing postdischarge day 1, and […]

Data Privacy

Data Privacy Answer the following question in 250-350 words. No formal formatting required. Technology has afforded many improvements in the healthcare industry, primarily in the access to data and information, also known as or data sharing. At the same time, the industry is confronted with the important issue of protecting patient privacy. Big Data can raise […]

Health Education and Health Promotion

Case Study, Chapter 4, Health Education and Health Promotion 1. Mr. Smith, a 57-year-old patient, presents at a health fair asking questions about the age-appropriate health maintenance. And promotion considerations he should be concerned about. He stated that he only goes to his physician when he is sick and the last time he saw his […]