Entries by Linus

Assume the role of a developmental psychologist that has been asked to provide advice to two different women: (1) a 6-month pregnant woman and (2) a postpartum woman. Prepare 1 memo for each woman (2 memos total), each 350- to 400-words in length. In you

Assume the role of a developmental psychologist that has been asked to provide advice to two different women: (1) a 6-month pregnant woman and (2) a postpartum woman. Prepare 1 memo for each woman (2 memos total), each 350- to 400-words in length.  In your memo, be sure to address the following items: Provide a daily […]

Analytical Essay

Need a Analytical essay about the causes of prejudice based on character‘s interactions within the movie “Crash”. In the analysis of each interaction you will apply concepts and theories from either the sociological or psychological causes discussed in the Parrillo article. No more than 5 pages!  Plagiarism Free!! Can include Pareillo article and rubric!  

24 hours hm

The perceptual process can be described in seven basic steps, plus knowledge. In your own words, briefly describe each step and knowledge. Consider the flow of information. At what point in the process does sensation occur? Is there a distinct and identifiable point where sensation ends and perception begins? Is the point between sensation and […]

Course Project

As you complete this project, think about the following: What do we know about psychological disorders and their treatment? What does research tell us about the most effective treatment for disorders? At the end of this activity, you will: Submit your course project dealing with psychological disorders and their treatment. At the end of this […]


Unit8Disc1Lifespan Gains and Losses in Middle Adulthood Discuss Baltes’ theory on the gains and losses in middle adulthood. Elaborate on the processes of growth, maintenance, and regulation of loss that can be adaptive for development at this stage. Describe how age-graded changes and history-graded changes help to explain development during this stage.

Addressing Professional Challenges

 a brief description of one special challenge encountered by forensic psychology professionals when working with or in a police force. Explain how you would address this challenge. Be specific and support your responses with at least one reference to a peer-reviewed academic journal article.

CWV 101 Grand Canyon University Mark 8 29 Worksheet

In Mark 8:29, Jesus discussed with his disciples what people were saying about him. Jesus asked his disciples directly, “But who do you say that I am?” In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of who Christians claim Jesus is and to share your own belief about who Jesus is. […]

Unipolar vs Bipolar

 How would describe the difference between Unipolar depression and Bipolar depression to your clients?  175 words or more

week 5 new

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that examines the influences of traits—such as trait theory—and biology—such as temperament—on personality development. Answer the following questions in your paper: How does the gene-environment interaction influence personality? Is culture a factor in personality expression? What do twin studies show us about the inheritability of personality? What characteristics of […]