Entries by Linus

Mate Choice and Friendship in Twins.

Read it and complete the assignment Write a 2 page paper (2 pages of TEXT, 1 inch margins, Times New Roman 12 point font, double spaced. You do not need an abstract or a title page) summarizing what the researchers did, what they found to be significant and interesting, any critical evaluations of their methods […]

Create A Brochure for Psy 335

Imagine you are an academic advisor and you are working at a booth at a University fair. You want to explain the career possibilities and real world usefulness of research in psychology.   Create a brochure including the following:A design that highlights careers in psychology that utilize research in psychologyA description of what an experimental psychologist doesAt […]

Discussion: Values and Culture

   Values, culture, and underlying beliefs of human services providers may raise dilemmas when handling cases involving issues such as infidelity, domestic violence, and parenting matters. In this week’s media program, “Barbara—The Human Services Professional: Chapter 3,” a number of issues impact the family, which raises questions that might be influenced by your own personal […]

Discussion: Pitfalls in Interviewing Victims

In the assessment of victims, pay special consideration to issues that may affect the ways in which the victims may react to your interventions. You need to do your homework and be aware of issues of possible relevance to the particular person or families you will be interviewing, whether you are: Interviewing a victim as […]

Understanding Statistics in the Behavioral Sciences

A graduate student in developmental psychology believes there may be a relationship between birth weight and subsequent IQ. She randomly samples seven psychology majors at her university and gives them an IQ test. Next she obtains the weight at birth of the seven majors from the appropriate hospitals   (after obtaining permission from the students, […]

MAT232AssignmentsWeek 3 – Assignment

  MAT232 Assignments Week 3 – Assignment 01/21/2020 – AU Undergraduate Home Announcements Syllabus Modules Grades Course Policies Writing Center & Library Course Resources Conferences Tutoring on Demand Week 3 – Assignment Week Three MyStatLab Homework Due by Day 7. There is a MyStatLab assignment due in Weeks One through Five of this course. MyStatLab […]


Unit8Assign1QDA t Tests See the Resources area for links to resources that you will use for this assignment: You will complete this assignment using the DAA Template. Read the SPSS Data Analysis Report Guidelines for a more complete understanding of the DAA Template and how to format and organize your assignment. Refer to the IBM […]

Research Methods

Research Methods For this discussion, provide an overview of prenatal and early infancy research methods. Compare and contrast at least two measures and two research designs commonly used in infant research. Review common limitations and challenges related to prenatal and infant research. Use this unit’s readings, as well as the multimedia linked in the Resources, […]

Analysis Paper on "The Help," book by Kathryn Stockett

You will analysis the book in terms of social psychology issues such as prejudice, discrimination, stereotypes, racism, and intergroup relations.  MUST BE FAMILIAR WITH THE BOOK, NOT THE MOVIE. (Very picky teacher.) Please follow the requirements posted. 

PSY620 Week 1 – Discussion Traditional Learning Theories

 Traditional Learning Theories Prior to beginning work on this discussion, please read McSweeney & Murphy (2014) Part 1: Basic Classical Conditioning (Chapters 1 through 3) and Part 3: Basic Operational Conditioning (Chapters 8 through 10), and view the required video Classical and Operant Conditioning (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Include the following […]