Entries by Linus

Research Topic

1. Find a research idea (3 topics)     select a topic and search the literature to find an unanswered question.   2. Form a hypothesis. 3. Determine how you will define and measure your variables. 4. Identify the participants or subjects for the study, decide how they will be selected,     and plan for […]

Special challenges military members face

  APUS’ student body is composed of roughly 85% active or reserve component military personnel.  A number of military spouses are also enrolled as students.  Based upon your readings this week, what are some special challenges that military members face as they navigate relationships and marriages?  What effect do lengthy deployments have on romantic relationships?  […]


Are you familiar w/ this Math? What’s grade can you guarantee, A,B,C, Or D?   the book to reference from is call Essentials of Statistics for Behavioral Sciences -8th edition It consists of a lot of Math,  Each week the assignment is due on Sunday at 11:59,  Ok I’ll give you access and let me […]

LMHC Mental Community

   1. Would you read the enclosed and give your response in 1 paragraph for the attachment. just give your response on what you read.

Self Care

  Learning about trauma and its treatment through reading, video clips, and other materials, is inherently traumatic and can trigger emotions in anyone – especially new counselors who are in the midst of academic stressors, who bring their own personal histories to the table, and who are still learning how to cope with the feelings […]

Advanced Psychology of Marriage and Family Systems A3

Your assignment must illustrate knowledge of the concepts through an original personal and/or professional integration of the text material. All assignments MUST be typed, double-spaced, in APA style, and must be written at graduate level English. The content, conciseness, and clarity of your answers will be considered in the evaluation of your work.   You must integrate the material presented in the […]

DEP3103 Keiser University Gender and Mathematics

For decades it has been accepted that boys are naturally better at math than girls. However, as we come to better understand nature and nurture along with today’s advanced brain scanning instruments, this assumption is being challenged by many in the academic community. What do you think – is this gender difference because of nature, […]

Biological Development in Adolescence

  Need this done by 27 March 2016 2300EST in APA format.                                                     Respond to the following questions in complete sentences and paragraphs and be 200–250 words in length in MS Word making sure to follow APA format and cite all references used:   What are some of the risk factors associated with sexual […]