Entries by Linus


Final Project: Part 2 and Final Submission For this Final Project Assignment, you will complete a 6- to 8-page paper (including Parts 1 and 2), not including title page and references. You will incorporate and finalize the feedback you received from your Instructor on Part 1, and prepare your Final Project for submission. For each of the […]

CR 3

Friedrich Froebel not only coined the term kindergarten but also recognized the integral role of play and active learning in children’s development and education. He believed in providing children with specific objects and materials called “gifts” and “occupations.” Compare and contrast “gifts” and “occupations” and, based on Froebel’s viewpoint, summarize the teacher’s role while children play and […]

module 1 Assignment 3: The How and Why of Well-Being positive psychology

  According to Martin Seligman (2005), there are three basic positive psychology pillars. These are the following:The pleasant lifeThe good lifeThe meaningful life Seligman purports that experiencing these three pillars creates what is called “the full-life.” This assignment focuses on the first pillar: the pleasant life. The pleasant life encompasses subjective well-being and happiness along […]

NEED A++++

APA, Original Work, Cite Reference, Reference Discuss the importance of nurturing an intimate relationship and  maintaing  a commitment to continue the relationship during this time frame. Address how the prime adaptive ego quality and the core pathology impact at this time. Think about the central process of person interaction and creativity to assist you with […]

psy 211 Personality Paper

Personality Paper Write at least 350 words in which you consider personality. In your paper, include the following:Describe the different perspectives (psychoanalytic, humanistic, trait, social cognitive, and biological) on personalityExplain how changeable or unchangeable you think personality is. Note. Be sure to include an appropriate introduction and conclusion and properly cite any resources you use.

psy/480 quiz

   Week 2 Quiz  Read each question and select the correct answer.  1. Susie has never felt comfortable with her therapist. While she has no reason for her feelings, she is easily angered by his questions and feels as though he is judging her. Susie has often thought that the therapist reminds her of her […]

Prenatal Influences

Prenatal Influences Note: Select one of the two following prompts to discuss: Briefly examine the stages of prenatal human development, beginning with conception, and including germinal, embryonic, and fetal stages. Consider how teratogens may impact the development of the fetus at each of these stages. Select one specific teratogen and analyze the impact of that […]

Mini Research Proposal(10-6-18)(CHRISProf)

  Mini Research Proposal This written assignment is based on the work conducted in the “Z, T, or Chi-Square Test Study” discussion forum from last week. Based on this initial work, feedback received, and additional research, you should submit a mini research proposal that calls for the use of a z test, t test, or […]