Entries by Linus

new psy/511

 corrections psy 511 unit 1  (Q.1,10,12,13.14,15,16,19,and 23),  nit 2 q( 10,16,21,22,23,24) unit 3 (Q.1,5,6,10,11,17,18,20,21,22,23,24,and 25), unit 4,q (1,2,6,8,9,10,12,14,14,16,17,19,20,and 25), Thank you let me kow and iw posted psy 511.

Social psychology reflection paper 4page

reflection paper, you have to look up the ppt to know what I have learned from this ppt and then write the reflection paper, because you may need to use some conceptual staffs from the ppt.  APA, 4 pages

Benchmark Assignment – Human Resources and Change

Assignment is attached along with rubric.  The major responsibilities of human resources management are attracting, developing, and maintaining a quality workforce. Review the RSPS (Rancho Solano) case from Topics 1 and 2. Recall that the board of directors at RSPS has hired you as part of a consulting team to review the situation and present […]

Psy420 week 5 project (Ann Harris)

This cumulative assignment allows you to consider everything you have learned over the past 5 weeks in an attempt to change a behavior of your own. This overall process is similar to what a board-certified behavior analyst would compete with a new client. Refer to the approved behavior you would like to change, based on […]

5 questions (Due Sunday 08/02/2015) 7pm

Each question must be more than 200 words.   1.  List the myths regarding rape and sexual assault.  Why are these societal myths so detrimental? Discuss the long term effects/symptoms in adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse.   2.  Why does a crisis worker need to have a thorough knowledge of the risk factors that […]

Ethical Codes and Standards

After moving from a big city to a rural setting, Janice is suffering from anxiety and depression because of adjustments to the change. She wants to seek counseling services to help her adjust. Janice has always valued her privacy and is finding it difficult to commit to seeing a counselor in a rural setting. The […]

Research Article Identification

  Research Article Identification Read each of the abstracts for the articles listed below and then select one of them to be the full article that you will use for all the written assignments in this course.  The abstracts and full-text versions of the articles can be accessed through the databases in the Ashford University […]


   Construct propositions for specific viewpoints on the issue and counter arguments against the other side’s viewpoint. Minimum of two to four scholarly sources per viewpoint 375 words the topic is to support  assisted suicide