Entries by Linus

Counseling paper for AA males ages 13-17

Determining a Sampling Strategy and Measurement Plan In this discussion, you will describe your sampling and measurement plan for answering key evaluation questions for your program evaluation proposal. This is an extended discussion and should be 300–400 words. The insights you gain from this discussion will help you complete your Unit 8 assignment. At the […]

SOCW 6311 & 6070 Wk 10 Assignments

   Assignment 1: Designing a Plan for Outcome Evaluation Social workers can apply knowledge and skills learned from conducting one type of evaluation to others. Moreover, evaluations themselves can inform and com`plement each other throughout the life of a program. This week, you apply all that you have learned about program evaluation throughout this course […]

Discussion Post Only- No Plagiarism- Psychology

Assignment 2: Ethics in Research As noted in your book, psychological testing is often used in behavioral and social research. Most colleges and universities have a committee dedicated to approving human participant research, called the Institutional Review Board. In the past, certain types of research undertaken using human participants have been considered unethical. Refer to […]

new psy/511

 corrections psy 511 unit 1  (Q.1,10,12,13.14,15,16,19,and 23),  nit 2 q( 10,16,21,22,23,24) unit 3 (Q.1,5,6,10,11,17,18,20,21,22,23,24,and 25), unit 4,q (1,2,6,8,9,10,12,14,14,16,17,19,20,and 25), Thank you let me kow and iw posted psy 511.

Social psychology reflection paper 4page

reflection paper, you have to look up the ppt to know what I have learned from this ppt and then write the reflection paper, because you may need to use some conceptual staffs from the ppt.  APA, 4 pages

Benchmark Assignment – Human Resources and Change

Assignment is attached along with rubric.  The major responsibilities of human resources management are attracting, developing, and maintaining a quality workforce. Review the RSPS (Rancho Solano) case from Topics 1 and 2. Recall that the board of directors at RSPS has hired you as part of a consulting team to review the situation and present […]

Psy420 week 5 project (Ann Harris)

This cumulative assignment allows you to consider everything you have learned over the past 5 weeks in an attempt to change a behavior of your own. This overall process is similar to what a board-certified behavior analyst would compete with a new client. Refer to the approved behavior you would like to change, based on […]