Entries by Linus

philosophy writing assignment

In your written component of the Final Project, you will analyze an argument in relation to a specific issue. Then, you will respond to that argument by providing a counterargument. Please choose one reading or media artifact from the  Final Project Argument Options. Be sure to choose an issue in which you are interested and […]

PSY 280 Week 4 Individual Assignment Early and Middle Adulthood Paper

Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you examine the psychological adjustments to aging and lifestyle that occur within individuals during early and middle adulthood. Be sure to include the following: Discuss how social and intimate relationships evolve and change during early and middle adulthood. Identify various role changes that occur during early and middle […]

write two purpose statements and create a question

Hello Reliablewriter, Prospectus that you will be completing in the Mini Research Prospectus Part 2. Program of Study “Cognition And Instruction” The awriting assignment requires write two purpose statements and create a question and follow the instructions below. Perform the following tasks to complete the assignment:        a) Identify two major research questions that […]

3 page Psychology Paper

  This will be your first essay assignment and it will be on the topic of Chapter 12, Personality. In this first assignment we will be going overt the concepts of personality with an emphasis on Freud and Psychoanalytic study.  One of Freud’s main beliefs is that who you are came to be by past […]

this is for Catherine Owens

 The first attachment is basically the advocacy letter assignments what the professor is asking for. and the second attachment is the letter i wrote and the comments she left me after she gave me a grade.  the link below, she suggested us to read it before writing the letter. I guess to have an idea of […]

phase 4 DB Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders & Disruptive, Impulse-Control, and Conduct Disorders

1300 AST OV under 20% 400-600 words     Select 1 of the following disorders:Reactive attachment disorderDisinhibited social engagement disorderPost-traumatic stress disorder Focus your discussion on the following:What are some of the symptoms?What would this disorder look like in person? Make sure you relate this back to the DSM criteria.Find 1 article, book, or video that shows […]

Short Answer Questions

  Details: Complete the “Topic 5 Short Answer Questions” document. While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment,  solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources  should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be  found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. You are […]

Discussion: Sociocultural Differences in Perspectives on Aging

  Western cultures think of time in linear terms while other cultures perceive the passage of time in cyclical terms (Helman, 2005). Helman states, “The clock, the watch and the calendar are among the main cultural symbols of Western industrial society” (para. 3). How might a culture’s perception of time influence views of individuals in […]


 You are to create a PowerPoint project regarding a learning theorist or theory identified in Chapter 3 of the textbook.  Some examples include classical conditioning, operant conditioning, cognitive theory, Ivan Pavlov, Albert Bandura, and Edward Thorndike.  The PowerPoint project should be a minimum of 15 slides in length (1 title slide, 13 information/content slides, and 1 […]