Entries by Linus

Ashford 6: – Week 5 – Final Project Professional Development Experience

Professional Development Experience Being an effective early childhood professional requires more than a passion for teaching or ability to work well with children. In the first five years of life, the most critical skills are formed by creating synaptic connections that are key to cognitive, social, physical, and emotional development. Because of their developmental stage, […]

Diverse Social Groups

Diverse Social Groups Identify two social groups or populations with identifiable similarities and differences (for example, two different religious groups, two different Hispanic groups, two different family structure groups). Provide an overview of the similarities and differences between the two groups and how a social worker would engage with them differently. Support your discussion with […]

PHI 103 week two discussion two

Topic: Capital punishment kills a human being it is wrong to kill a human being except in self defense. So capital punishment is wrong.    Be sure to include the entire original argument in standard form, with your own added premise in bold. After you present the argument include a description of how the conclusion […]

PSY 203

 Physical Development in Infancy and Toddlerhood.  Please select a culture and explain its sleeping arrangements with the infants.  Explain the advantages and disadvantages to its sleeping arrangements.  You may use any source.   the paper needs to be at least 2 pages long. 

Advanced Psychopathology Exam

The Final Exam consists of eight (8) Essay questions. Use the reading   assignments thoroughly in an integrative discussion of your own understanding   of the questions posed. Remember to reference all work cited or quoted   by the text author. You should be doing this often in your responses. If you use outside resources, they should support […]

PSY 100 WEEK 10 QUIZ 9

Question 1 Which of the following countries has the lowest suicide rate of those listed? [removed]   Canada [removed]   Mexico [removed]   Japan [removed]   Hungary Question 2 Obsessions are to _______ as compulsions are to _______. [removed]   behaviors; emotions [removed]   thoughts; behaviors [removed]   controllable; uncontrollable [removed]   anxiety; depression Question […]

Health in the news assignment:

   Health in the news assignment: This assignment is designed to encourage you to think about the ways health issues are conveyed in the public domain. Choose a health issue that interests you and that is typically related to women´s health (ex. miscarriage, menopause, PMS) or men´s health (ex. CHD, prostate cancer) and identify an […]

Wendy Lewis only 3

What are the three essential managerial skills? Explain how the importance of each skill varies across the typical levels of management in organizations.