Entries by Linus

Introduction to Career Counseling

Below is the information to write on…. attached are some resources to help An outline of the information contained in the video, Inspiring Career Practitioners to Connect Theory and Practice, is listed below. Review the information below and research each of the areas. Once you have completed this task, write a 3-5 page paper reflecting […]

aa lasa 2

Assignment 1: LASA 2: Memory Training in Older Adults One of the cognitive changes older adults worry about and fear most is memory loss. Some older adults may assume that any memory loss means that they are developing dementia. However, some memory loss that occurs with aging is normal and can be managed by understanding […]

NEW Eligibility Rules !!!

CheckPoint Eligibility RulesResource: Ch. 6 of Social Policy and Social Programs   Create a table comparing and contrasting the eligibility rules of two different agencies that offer the same type of program. Refer to Table 6.1 on p. 117 of the text.   Select one government agency and either a private or faith-based agency that offers a program for […]

Intervention Plan And Assessment Tools

(THIS ASSIGNMENT IN NOT DUE FOR UNTIL THE OCTOBER 14TH, 2016. PLEASE TAKE YOUR TIME) Submit your intervention plan. The paper should encompass all areas of the class, including what assessment tools were implemented to aid in developing a well-rounded treatment plan for a child presenting with mental or behavioral issues as a direct result […]


Select at least two (2) research methods from the text (e.g., observations, case studies, experiments, etc.), and explain each method’s purpose in social psychology. Next, identify at least one (1) situation in which you could apply one (1) of the chosen methods in your everyday life. Explore the Stanford Prison Experiment Website, located at http://www.prisonexp.org. Next, identify […]

Discussion 2 Week 2 Lin

  Selecting a Good Test Resources Attributes and Evaluation of Discussion Contributions. Your first assignment, Review and Selection of a Standardized Test, is due by the end of this unit. This assignment includes researching three different standardized tests in a variety of resources, which include Mental Measurements Yearbook from Buros (available in the Capella Library), […]


Assignment 2: Identifying and Gathering Relevant Data Select at least ten scholarly articles from the Argosy University online library resources, Google Scholar, or other databases using key words related to the criminal behavior for which you want to develop a prevention plan. You should select peer-reviewed journals from the Argosy University online library resources and […]

Sensation and Perception Skills

  Sensation and Perception Skills Discuss sensation and perception skills in early infancy. Discuss the theory of habituation and its role in intelligence from an information processing standpoint. Use the readings from this unit to inform your discussion.