Entries by Linus


Describe the differences between vicarious traumatization and countertransference?

Unit 2 Didcussion 1 and Discussion 2

   Unit 2 Discussion 1 Role of the Brain in Addiction Read the Discussion Participation Scoring Guide to learn how the instructor will evaluate your discussion participation throughout this course. Select two models of addiction from the chart appearing on pages 24–25 in the Lewis text. Compare how each model addresses the brain changes (neurological […]

PCN-518 Module 2 DQ 1

Module 2 DQ 1 You are a professional counselor who specializes in the treatment of preschoolers. You have decided to put on a one-night parenting class, to be held on a Monday from 7-9 p.m. What specific topics do you plan to discuss? Why did you make these topic choices? You may have time to […]

NSG6420 Week 7 Quiz New (2017)

Question Week 7 quiz Question 1.When a patient presents with a skin-related complaint, it is important to first: Fully inspect all skin lesions before asking the patient how the lesion in question developed Obtain a full history about the development of the skin lesion prior to the physical examination Complete a full physical examination of […]

Pathology, Diagnosis, and the DSM-5 – due in 12 hours

4 pages    Pathology, Diagnosis, and the DSM-5 Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review Chapter 3 and Chapter 6 in the course text and view the videos Depression and Its Treatments (Links to an external site.), OCD: One Patient’s Story (Links to an external site.), Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th […]


Unit5Disc1QDA Correlation Versus Causation If correlation does not imply causation, what does it imply? Are there ever any circumstances when a correlation can be interpreted as evidence for a causal connection between two variables? If yes, what circumstances? Required Readings Use your Warner text, Applied Statistics: From Bivariate Through Multivariate Techniques, to complete the following: […]

Ethics: The Case of the Plagiarized Paragraph

The American Psychological Association has adopted a code of ethics, the  Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site. . In addition to governing the behavior of professionals, the five general principles and ten specific ethical standards contained in this code of ethics extend to all […]

Psychological Assessment Report

Week 6 – Final Paper Week 6 – Final Paper Due: Jul 3, 2017, 21:58 Psychological Assessment Report A psychological assessment report is created by psychology professionals to inform groups or individuals of the assessments appropriate for their current needs. This type of report also includes a summary of the services provided to these groups […]

Exploring Personality Theories

Background In psychology, personality theorists have sought to understand the traits and other factors that determine our very nature. Some of these factors are innate, and others seem to be shaped by environmental forces. Each theory takes a different approach to understanding personality. Familiarity with theories of personality will help you to understand and organize […]

Human observation CR

Select one individual from each of the following life span divisions: Early childhood Middle childhood through adolescence Adulthood A total of three observations, one for each life span division, must be completed. You should use the Observation Form. Assign a code name to the individual selected at each division of the life span to protect […]