Entries by Linus

Correlational studies

For this task, you will read three news articles intended for a general audience reporting the results from correlational studies.  You can find the links to these articles under your weekly resources.  For each of the articles, you will answer the following questions and provide justifications for your answers

Identify a Potential Research Problem

Broad overview is Serial Killers and the problem being about there not being enough information available about their life before the killings started. Go from there and build on this topic based from the provided annotated bibliography. Use the provided annotated bibliography to create a potential research problem. Write a paper to identify your potential […]

Topic 3 DQ 2

  Thinking about your niche, what assessment tools will be best for your clients? Describe the training requirements needed to administer the assessment. How will you prepare for the requirements?


 Develop a research question, and then in 5 pages, evaluate research literature associated with the question in terms of credibility, reliability, ethics, and value. Explain how the research can be used by psychology professionals. APA FORMAT, IN TEXT CITATIONS AND REFERENCES!  at least three peer-reviewed articles from scholarly journals relevant to your research question.    […]

How does this leader leverage power, politics, networking, or negotiation in order to influence people?

 Unit focuses on how leaders influence people by using—and potentially abusing—power, politics, networking, and negotiation. For this unit’s discussion forum, your initial discussion post should include two parts: Part 1: link to video clip Before you post in the discussion board, locate a video clip that demonstrates a leader’s influence through the use—or abuse—of power, […]

Digital Doctor

Hi support, this is Rosenkathy again from Tilbourg Uni, As usual, i have not paid and will use the credits you put to my account Am assuming i havent paid, i will pay 6 usd per page as ti p , Instructions are in the paper.. I will p ay bal as t ip like […]

PSY101 Ashford The Need To Belong Self-esteem And Social Comparison

Your task in this paper is to examine or observe a phenomenon in your life or surroundings, and to describe and interpret it in terms of one or more of the psychological principles, phenomena, and perspectives covered in the first half or so of the course. In short, your task is to apply the psychology […]

Final Project Data Journal Entry Graduate Level

In this journal assignment, you will review the Final Project Guidelines and Rubricand choose a case study and theory you would like to use. You will be addressing the Data section of the final project. Address the following: Establish context for your case note by briefly describing the client based on the information that you […]

1/3 APA

1/3: LASA: Working Ahead In this assignment, you will be able to identify and understand the steps in the proposed ethical decision-making model presented in your textbook by Bush et al. (2006). In addition, you will be able to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of this proposed model. Tasks: Write a 3- to 4-page paper, […]