Entries by Linus

Movements Reflected In Art Work

Embed the image that you chose into your initial discussion board post. Then, identify the movement associated with the art work. Using appropriate art terminology, discuss at least four characteristics of the work of art that are significant to the movement. Elaborate on each of the characteristics of the art work that you chose to […]

Paper due 11:59

  Students are expected to write a research paper discussing a topic in sexuality. The purpose of this paper is to learn more about a sexuality topic of interest, while improving professional/academic writing skills. Students may choose any topic related to sexuality but the topic must be approved by the instructor at least one week […]

Psychology (child development)

This week we do not have a typical journal assignment. We are going to do something different. This week we are going on a field trip. You have to go on a field trip to some place where groups of children play. There are play areas at the Mall, McDonalds, Burger King, Playgrounds, ect. I […]

PSY 331 Psychology of Learning Wk5-D2

 Metacognition       Prior to engaging in this discussion, please read “Chapter 8: Owning  Our Learning Experiences” in your e-book and review the Instructor  Guidance. Metacognition is the ability to be aware of  and regulate one’s thought processes. It is suggested to be a process  that improves our ability to effectively process information. Consider  the […]

Individual Counseling Phase 4 IP

10-12 SLIDES   Veteran’s center clients:Vary in age from 20 to 85Are male and femaleInclude those with physical handicaps from different wars Your manager asks you to put a training presentation together for an all agency staff meeting defining treatment strategies for these different types of clients for the entire staff of therapists, nurses and […]

6 page essay APA NO Plagiarizing Due December 17, 2019 (one week)

Evaluation of Treatment Approaches in Clinical Psychology For this Assignment, pretend that you are applying for a position as a clinical psychologist. You have already submitted your resume and application, and have now been moved to the next stage of the interview process! This round requires a research paper providing evidence of your knowledge of […]

psy100. dis4and5

4- Identify which of the categories in the different classifications of coping strategies best describes your coping style. Describe how you have used this coping style in recent months. Determine whether or not the coping style was effective. Justify your response.   5. Select one (1) of the following concepts to examine: in-group / out-group, […]

Sensory System Processes

Let’s look more closely at the ideas of sensation and perception.  Each sensory system processes sensory system processes information about the environment and is sensitive to one or more forms of physical energy: Light waves-visual system Sound waves-auditory system Vibrations and pressure-somatosensory system Chemical substances-olfactory and gustatory system All of these systems must contain: a […]

Psychology Observation

  Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to observe human behavior in a natural setting. Directions: You will conduct an observation of human interactions in a public place (i.e., a supermarket or nightclub), not a private area (i.e., a bathroom or bedroom). The location of the observation should be posted in the Location of Observation […]