Entries by Linus

Help with psychology paper

I need help writing this paper….I will send the link to the tutor I choose….thank you in advance.   Locate an article in the University Library that discusses an area of psychology you are interested in.  Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that includes the following: Summarize the article.Explain how this career aligns with your professional interests.Describe how […]


Read On the Job: Applied Case Study: Reducing Turnover at Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. in Chapter 10 of Industrial/Organizational Psychology. In a well-written paper, answer the following questions:On the basis of what you learned in this chapter, what interventions would you make to reduce management turnover?How would these interventions be different if you were trying […]

For Essays Guru- Community Teaching Plan: Teaching Experience Paper

 Details: This Paper should be based on the teachings on the Flu epidemic. Attached are the pamphlet and handout I created to go along with the teachings as well.   Note: This is an individual assignment. In 1,500-1,700 words, describe the teaching experience and discuss your observations. The written portion of this assignment should include: […]

Evaluating Test Outcomes

decisions, but testing can also lead to negative consequences, including incorrect selection, overemphasis of tested characteristics, and an undesirable level of employee uniformity. Many of the unintended consequences of testing occur because tests are less than perfect instruments. Test use can produce both false positives and false negatives. For instance, test results might lead to […]

Who Are the Experts

  Who Are the Experts? Create a PowerPoint presentation of five (5) types of experts in the field of psychology that could testify in court proceedings. For each expert, you will create (1) a title slide, (2) a slide detailing the educational requirements of the profession, (3) a slide explaining the types of cases that […]

psy 340 week 5 learning and memory presentation(my part only) 2–3 slides

    2-3 -slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, including detailed speaker notes, that addresses the following:Discuss the relationship between learning and memory from a functional perspective. Address why learning and memory are interdependent.Use case studies and examples from research articles to help you illustrate this relationship.   Include a minimum of four sources.     Format […]

Psychologists homework

Psychologists have described the human nervous system as the communication and control center for the body. The nervous system allows us to take in information from the environment, communicate the information to different parts of the body, and coordinate the body’s response. The nervous system itself is made up of neurons, or nerve cells, that […]


  Having identified any writing deficiencies that you personally possess, how do you plan to overcome those weaknesses?