Entries by Linus

Benchmark Assignment copy 2

In this assignment, you will assess your understanding of the Christian worldview, including the main topics you have covered up to this point. You will summarize and analyze the essential elements of the Christian worldview and reflect on implications for your own worldview. Write a 1,250-1,500-word essay using at least two course resources (textbook, lectures, […]

The Research Question, Literature Review, and Research Hypothesis

Module 1 – SLPThe Research Question, Literature Review, and Research Hypothesis The SLP for this course is designed to allow you to apply the research concepts and principles introduced throughout this course to a “real-world” health problem. As such, you will be asked to devise your own research question, to use the empirical literature to […]

PSY/340 Week 2 Assignment – Neural Plasticity Paper

PSY 340 Week 2 Team Assignment Neural Plasticity Paper   For this assignment, your team will choose a participant to work with who has experienced trauma to the brain and describe the functions and limitations of neural plasticity in the recovery process.   You are working as a behavioral health specialist in a neurological research […]

chapter assignments

complete chapter assignments 13 and 14 multiple choice questions unlimited attempts due wedsnays by 12 p.m.

Movements Reflected In Art Work

Embed the image that you chose into your initial discussion board post. Then, identify the movement associated with the art work. Using appropriate art terminology, discuss at least four characteristics of the work of art that are significant to the movement. Elaborate on each of the characteristics of the art work that you chose to […]

Paper due 11:59

  Students are expected to write a research paper discussing a topic in sexuality. The purpose of this paper is to learn more about a sexuality topic of interest, while improving professional/academic writing skills. Students may choose any topic related to sexuality but the topic must be approved by the instructor at least one week […]

Psychology (child development)

This week we do not have a typical journal assignment. We are going to do something different. This week we are going on a field trip. You have to go on a field trip to some place where groups of children play. There are play areas at the Mall, McDonalds, Burger King, Playgrounds, ect. I […]

PSY 331 Psychology of Learning Wk5-D2

 Metacognition       Prior to engaging in this discussion, please read “Chapter 8: Owning  Our Learning Experiences” in your e-book and review the Instructor  Guidance. Metacognition is the ability to be aware of  and regulate one’s thought processes. It is suggested to be a process  that improves our ability to effectively process information. Consider  the […]