Entries by Linus

I need help with methods paper

I need help with the discriptions of variables portion of a case study.  Wecare doing a random sampling semi structured questionaire. The questions for our interviews are: !. How do you feel with your pain medication? 2. How long have you been taking your pain medication? 3. Would you call yourself an addict? 4.Are you […]

Complete Own Online Personality Assessment

For this discussion:Reflect on the relationship between the dimensions and traits that we use to describe human personality.Go to the SAPA Project website (linked in the Resources) or another site of your choice. Complete the personality test. If would like to use another test from another website, you may do so.After retrieving the results of […]

psychology 6110

  -Explain the challenges faced by the client(s)—for example, drug addiction, lack of basic needs, victim of abuse, new school environment, etc. -Analyze how the social environment affects the client. -Identify which human behavior or social theories may guide your practice with this individual and explain how these theories inform your assessment. -Explain how you […]

Should marijuana be legalized….Citations only needed to this discussion

  Do you think marijuana should be legalized? Why or why not? Today, thousands of patients can use marijuana as an effective method of treatment for their ailments. This is possible because fourteen state governments across the country have acknowledged cannabis’ effective healing properties and legalized its consumption for medicinal purposes with the consent of […]


  This assignment focuses on how you might be asked to  respond in the wake of a natural disaster as a mental health  professional working with law enforcement. Task: In a minimum of 300 words, respond to the following: Explain how your services might be utilized during a natural  disaster. Use the perspective of a […]

making a survey

2-2 Final Project Milestone Two: Draft of Research Materials (Surveys) Previous  Next Instructions For this assignment, you will submit a draft of all items and questionnaires that will be given to your participants in your study. The items and questions should be listed in the exact order that they will be given to participants. You […]

PS4 10 Purdue Global University Unit 9 Functional Behavioral Assessment Paper

at a minimum, your FBA Report must include discussion of the required components as reviewed at the beginning of Chapter 12.For each of those components, you should include specific details as they relate to the referral scenario you are addressing. Details would include descriptions of the assessment tools, forms, and procedures that would have been […]

clinical psychology

  Select one of the following disorders: Depressive disorder Generalized anxiety disorder Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Obsessive-compulsive disorder Create a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you compare and contrast the major approaches to clinical psychology—psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, humanistic, and family systems—in relation to the selected disorder. Address the following items: Discuss the philosophical origins of each […]

Journal Entry Graduate level

Instructions Review the following articles regarding early-school-age play and how play during this stage of the lifespan can influence an individual’s future career choices. Do Children’s Toys Influence Their Career Choices? Argos Unveils Top Toy Predictions for Christmas 2013 Do Children’s Toys Influence Their Career Choices? After reading the article, address how play can influence […]

SOCW-6111-Responses Wk 7

   RESPONSE 1 Respond to at least two colleagues and suggest alternate ways the intern might overcome barriers. Colleague 1: Tiffany Geller, and Greenberg, write about how therapist and clients should have a working relationship to  successfully help social workers connect with their clients,  in their article Challenges to Therapeutic Presence Geller and Greenbery claim […]