Entries by Linus

PSY 410 University of Phoenix Timeline of Abnormal Psychology Homework

Create a timeline that displays the development of abnormal psychology. Include at least five to seven main milestones. Grading Rubric Created a coherent, orderly timeline that displays early origins of abnormal psychology through modern eras and bridges the two periods with appropriate updates over time (no large gaps or leaps across decades) Timeline includes 5 […]

Definition of Social Problems

Definition of Social Problems Write a short paper (maximum three pages, double spaced) analyzing the definition of social problems in the United States. Consider using a specific social problem (such as mental illness, family structure, youth violence, hunger or food insecurity, or one of the areas of focus from Glassner) as a foundation for your […]

Assignment 2: Action Plan to Address Drunk Driving

  Assignment 2: Action Plan to Address Drunk Driving Drunk driving is one of the largest social problems related to alcohol use. Driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol is involved in 40–45% of all fatal traffic accidents. As a result, legislators, educators, and law enforcement officers are continually attempting to find ways to prevent […]

Part 1: The onset of puberty marks a significant change in a person's life biologically, psychologically, and socially. There are some…

Part 1: The onset of puberty marks a significant change in a person’s life biologically, psychologically, and socially. There are some myths regarding puberty that may skew its realities. Describe some of the myths and realities of puberty. Explain the psychological and social issues a person may face during the transition to puberty. Define adolescence […]


What factors make attractiveness to men “the polar star of feminine education and formation of character”? 2. What chiefly distinguishes modern times from previous times? 3. Why is it erroneous to agrue that the nature of the two sexes makes their present relationship appropriate? 4. What are the two main benefits to society that would […]

Psy/420 Week 3 Essay

 Select a psychological disorder and a local organization that provides mental health services.  Obtain faculty approval of your selected disorder before beginning this assignment. Research the organization’s website or speak to someone in the organization. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you examine your selected psychological disorder in the context of the chosen organization’s goals. […]

Critical Thinking question 8

  Question 8 Describe two intellectual standards, and give examples of each from your own life. Your response should be at least 75 words in length.