Entries by Linus

Psychology Trauma – A4

  Assignment 4         Vignette Analysis I:   This  assignment focuses on vignette analysis and direct application of  course concepts to the persons and situations presented in the  vignette.   All discussions must take into account the legal and ethical  considerations, as well as cross-cultural issues that pertain to the  situations presented below. Use  the reading assignments thoroughly in an […]

brief description of the controversial topic in psychology you selected and the different position articles you chose. Between the two articles, identify a minimum of three common errors and/or fallacies. Evaluate the impact of the errors/fallacies you se

Arguments about regulating or not regulating various aspects of human behavior abound in society and in the psychology profession. Controversial issues include the causes of autism, use of hypnosis in therapy, validity of eyewitness testimony, and legalizing same-sex marriage, among many others. Thinking critically about the pros and cons of such issues is an important […]

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Informational Interview  For this assignment, you conducted an interview with a sport psychology professional during the course. Write 6–8 pages of reflection and analysis.  Preparation  Complete the following to prepare for the interview: 1.Select a topic: Select a current sport psychology or performance topic that a consultant or psychologist would address in their applied professional […]

PSY/325 PSY 325 PSY325 Ashford – Week 6 Individual Assignment – (NEW) Final Exam – A+ Guaranteed (paper + calculations)!

PSY/325 PSY 325 PSY325 Ashford – Week 6 Individual Assignment – Final Exam – A+ Guaranteed (paper + calculations)!   Ashford 6: – Week 5 – Final Exam   Final Exam Instructor’s Guidance Info Please include the following general headings for each section of the written exam within your Word document: Also, it is very […]

Unit 2 journal

Reflect on an example of a stressful event you have experienced. Explain how you reacted. Was your reaction typical for you, and do you think it agreed with your survey results? In hindsight, would you have changed any part of your reaction and handling of the event, and if so, how? Your journal entry must […]

Disaster Psychology

Required 7-8 Page Paper Focus: A comparison of the sinking of the R.M.S. Lusitania disaster to a student’s choice modern day disaster with primary emphasis on applicable psychology of disaster concepts relevant to each disaster. Resource documents on the Lusitania disaster are located in the Resources folder on the classroom navigation screen.    The goal for […]

"Research Methodology" Respond to one (1) of the following discussion topics: Select at least two (2) research methods from the text (e.g., observations, case studies, experiments, etc.), and explain each method’s purpose in social psychology. Next, iden

This is not a paper! This is a Discussion Question for Social Psychology class requiring 200-250 word response.  Select at least two (2) research methods from the text (e.g., observations, case studies, experiments, etc.), and explain each method’s purpose in social psychology. Next, identify at least one (1) situation in which you could apply one […]

PCN-529 Module 3 DQ 1

Points: 5.0   What is the difference(s) between treatment and recovery? Address if anyone is ever “recovered,” or is she/he always “in recovery?”