Entries by Linus

Developmental Parenting Paper In this course we examine the theories and stages of Childhood Development as they relate to parenting. You are going to write a paper on any stage of Childhood Development that interests you (birth to age two, 2-5 years old

Developmental Parenting Paper In this course we examine the theories and stages of Childhood Development as they relate to parenting.  You are going to write a paper on any stage  of Childhood Development that interests you (birth to age two, 2-5 years old, elementary school, early adolescence, etc).  You will need to apply  the theories and conceptslearned in your textbook  as […]

can you do my homework book report

Book Report  (30 points)  (PLO #3)        List 10 things you learned from the book, “Restoring the Christian Family” that you want to remember.  Write a paragraph for each thing you learned that explains why it is important to you that you remember it and how it applies to your personal life now […]

27: Self and 28 Self Efficacy

1) Lizzy Define Self How Do YOU Define Yourself Lizzie Velasquez at TEDxAustinWomen (Links to an external site.) 2) Your own personal narrative Recognizing Your Self Through Yoga: Aimee Bohn at TEDxFlourCity (Links to an external site.) 3) What defines you? Please use examples from the previous chapters to describe how you know yourself!! 4) […]

Conceptual Approaches to Learning

Conceptual Approaches to Learning Submit a 3-4 page paper (excluding the coversheet and reference page) discussing the conceptual differences and similarities between cognitive, behavioral, and neuroscience approaches to learning. Describe the four components of learning as they appear in each approach. Concentrate on the different areas that each approach emphasizes or deems most important in […]

1 slide assignment

Your part is just an intro to the assignment.   One slide                         Select a scenario in which problem solving strategies are utilized to achieve a goal (e.g., resolving conflict in the work place or planning a wedding for two individuals that have diverse backgrounds).Prepare a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you illustrate […]

Big five personality test

  Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 7 from the Harré (2006) e-book as well as the required Maslow (1943), Freud (1910), Bandura (1999), and the United States Office of Personnel Management (n.d.) articles. One approach to understanding personality is using trait theories. The most influential trait approach contends that five traits, […]

almost done with it

  Quantitative Tools Make sure the quantitative article that you selected in Unit 1 will allow you to thoroughly address all of the points required for this discussion. Using the information from this week’s readings, complete the following: Identify the instrument or instruments used to quantify the data, the level of measurement for each instrument, […]


Unit8Disc1QDA Application of t Tests For this discussion: Identify a research question from your professional life or career specialization that can be addressed by an independent samples t test. Indicate why a t test would be the appropriate analysis for this research question. Describe the variables and their scale of measurement. Discuss the expected outcome […]