Entries by Linus

types of aggression

This week, your task is to reflect on what you have learned about  aggression, and begin developing skills in identifying them. Incorporate  the following into a cohesive paper focused on defining and identifying  subtypes of aggression. 1. Define aggression in your own words and provide two examples that align with your definition. 2. Define the […]

unified theory

Think about all the theories you have studied in the course. What is your opinion on whether a unified theory of personality is possible? Do you think such a theory would improve the field? Do you have any research that supports your argument?

Unit 7 journal

Reflect on how you think your actions are influenced by others. Are there certain actions or beliefs that you feel are consistent regardless of your social surroundings? Share an example, and reflect on why you feel they are not affected by social influences. Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No […]

Organizational Psychology- A4

  Assignment                     4         Essays Part I: Your assignments must reflect analysis and synthesis of the material  presented in this course. All assignments MUST be typed and  double-spaced, in APA style and must be written at graduate level  English. The content, conciseness and clarity of your answers will be  considered in the evaluation of your […]

Interview Psych

  Identify two people or a caregiver (as in the case of an infant), who represent two different stages of the life span—ideally, two who do not identify with your own current stage of life span development—and set up an brief 15–20  minute interview with them for this assignment. For example, select an  adolescent and […]

Assignment wk 8

Assignment: Effects of Physical Development on Adolescents You probably noted from the Learning Resources this week the interrelationship between the processes and constructs of development, in relation to adolescent development. Cognitive changes, including hypothetico-deductive reasoning, metacognitive skills, and more complex forms of thinking impact how an adolescent perceives and reacts to the world. Higher-order thinking […]