Entries by Linus

English discussion

For this Discussion, make sure you have already watched Separated: Children at the Border. Then, answer the following questions: 1.) What are your general thoughts on the Trump Administration’s Separation Policy? 2.) What does it say about the people who are willing to risk their lives, often leading to death, disease, and rape (6 in […]

Record Keeping

  In 500-750 words, do the following: Define an ethical dilemma in coaching based on communication and an ethical dilemma in coaching based on storage of coaching records. Identify best practices for storage of records and client communication. Discuss how you will implement those best practices into your coaching practice. Identify challenges you might face […]

spss anova and critique of research

Part 1 Use SPSS to answer the research question you constructed. Then, compose a 1- to 2-paragraph analysis in APA format in which you answer the following questions:What is the null hypothesis for your question?What research design(s) would align with this question?What dependent variable was used and how is it measured?What independent variable is used […]

Individual Assessment

  Identify the federal guidelines—statutory, case law, and APA—for psychological tests. Describe some of the cases influential in bringing about the federal government’s involvement in the use of tests in the forensic setting. Determine the effect of the federal guidelines in ensuring whether assessment reports are accurate and unbiased. One to two pages is all […]

Research Paper On Divorce

( The Topic I Chose Was  : The divorce rate has increased in today’s society. This paper will explore divorce and uncoupling and the impact on the children and family. )  Individual research paper Due: Apr 20, 2018 at 11:59 PM 2. Grading Rubric (Final Research Paper) copy.docx APA Style- Citing articles.pdf STEP 5. RESEARCH […]

Bishop High School Language as A Communication Tool

Assignment 3.1: Language as a Communication ToolLanguage as a Communication ToolOBJECTIVE Examine language as a communication toolASSIGNMENT OVERVIEW This reaction and response assignment allows you to explore the vocabulary and uses of nonverbal language.DELIVERABLES Your one- to two-page list Step 1 Make a list of all of the nonverbal gestures you can think of and […]

Development Throughout the life span

***Must be original work, with cited sources*** **Template attached ages, and gender already entered in template, please fill out the portions that arent done**  Erikson and Freud are two of the few theorists who have developed a lifespan approach to development. Freud’s approach to development was psychosexual while Erikson’s was psychosocial. Even though Freud’s theory […]

Assignment 2: An Effective Training Evaluation Plan

Assignment 2: An Effective Training Evaluation Plan Instructions: In the online lectures in Module 3 and your textbook readings (“Training and Development”, Leadership”, and “Motivation, Job Satisfaction, and Job Involvement”) you learned about the importance of training your employees.  However, training is only effective when employees can retain the information and incorporate what they learn […]

Leadership Influence

For the next section in your research paper, draft a 500-word essay to examine your selected leader’s power and influence by addressing both of the following areas: 1. Power: Which types of power does this leader leverage: legitimate, reward, coercive, expert, information, and/or connection power? Use at least one source with an example from an […]

5 pages

Health Issues in Your Community For your project, you will visit the CDC website and select an article that addresses a health issue of your interest (for example, H1N1, obesity, diabetes, asthma, teenage pregnancy, etc.). Click https://www.cdc.gov to visit the CDC website. Addressing the following questions: What public health issue have you selected and why? […]