Entries by Linus

Phil W7 assg2- Evaluating Resources

The completed assignment should be approximately 750 words (3-4 pages). View the video “A Consumer’s Guide to Sourcing in News Reports” from The News Literacy Project at  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1A46_Zd_wk Research the Internet to obtain 5 online sources that support your position on an issue.  Apply each the 7 Key Points outlined in the video to each […]

Unit 3 assignment

Assignment The Unit 3 Assignment requires you to apply the theories, concepts and research that we have covered so far this term to hypothetical case studies. Your answers to the questions should consist of information from the text and supplemental readings. You also may use sources from the Kaplan Library or other credible Internet sources, […]

400 words short essay question (2)

Read the PDF and answer the question.    REQUIREMENTS: – no fancy words needed – answer in depth – give detail information – no reference needed   question Through a discussion of the common developmental consequences of experiencing any type of maltreatment as a child, explain the reason why abused children may, as adults, be […]

Schizophrenia in Asian Cultures

Exploration of Cultural Variance: Explore the importance of including culture in mental health assessment. To do this, describe: Cultural relativity of the symptoms, illness, stigma, or other illness-related factors Cultural variations in prevalence of the disorder and other topics as applicable, such as expressions of coping and mental distress Cultural bias in application of the […]

Field of Study Criminal Justice/Forensic Psychology

  For this written assignment, first research and review the standards  that are most closely associated with the field in which you are  interested. Specifically identify the standards that address ethics. Then write a 1,050- to 1,400-word (3-4 page) paper that addresses the following: Identify the ethical standards for your field of study. For each […]

week 11 discussion question 2

   For your final task for the course, you will present your Final Project research and recommendations to your colleagues. Sharing your findings can help inform decision making or research and foster social change. Based on your Final Project, prepare a 5- to 6-slide presentation (not including your title or reference page) to present your […]

Social Psychology IP1

Assignment     400-600 words 3 references APA format    Issues of stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination are common areas of study within social psychology. The area of gender role stereotypes, in particular, has received considerable amounts of attention over the recent decades.  Identify and discuss 3 studies that explore gender stereotypes within United States culture or a […]

Literature review . Articles enclosed in PDF as well as instructions.. NO OTHER OUTSIDE SOURCES FOR LIT REVIEW just the Articles enclosed

http://www.policyforchildren.org/pdf/school_readiness_study.pdf  Literature Review.   instructions in class was each article 2 pages double spaced…  the rest of instructions are in the attached section   NO OUTSIDE SOURCES.. Just the articles that are enclosed ( thats the literature review)   Research statment then developed off of the articles and school readiness and the enclosed Research Statement […]

Stratford University CH10 The Case of Operation Market Garden Paper 6

Task 6 In this week’s Task you will explore group behavior and groupthink. Read chapter 10 in Together: The Science of Social Psychology. Read the article “Understanding Groupthink: The Case of Operation Market Garden” Write a 250-400 word reaction paper to ONE of the videos. The video links are available on the PowerPoint for week […]