Entries by Linus

CE402 Unit 1 Discussion….

Good Evening, Assistance is needed in answering the following:   Part 1: For Part 1 of this Discussion, consider the influences social settings have on children at different stages of their development and describe the impact of the home, school, and community with specific examples for each of the age groups listed below. For each […]

HN300-01 Unit 6 Assignment

Good Evening, I need assistance with the following APA Assignment for HN300-1:   HN300-3:  Identify skills to influence social policy. GEL-6.5:  Use electronic libraries/databases for research. As a human service professional it is important to be aware of policies that exist to meet the needs of a population, to be able to assess the effectiveness […]

In your work at a residential treatment center (RTC) for adolescents, several problems related to the delivery of group and recreational therapy services to the residents have become evident.

In your work at a residential treatment center (RTC) for adolescents, several problems related to the delivery of group and recreational therapy services to the residents have become evident. The program director would like you to choose 1 of the following problem areas, and develop a research proposal:Residents are not opening up during group process […]

Assignment 1: Supervision and Competence

As discussed in this module, the purpose of clinical supervision is to ensure the welfare of the client, help the supervisee grow professionally, and provide remediation services if necessary. Supervision is a distinct professional activity aimed at helping the supervisee enhance his or her level of professional competence and is used both pre- and post-licensure. […]

ADHD Diagnosis

 Review how ADHD is defined and the changes to ADHD in the DSM 5. Discuss when child behavior is abnormally active and warrants a diagnosis of ADHD and when the situation or environment creates the child’s overactivity. Support your answer with peer-reviewed articles. 

Consultation Implications in Context

  You are a consulting psychologist for a local clinic and have been asked to follow up on a consultation you completed four years ago. There are current developments in this case that require further consideration. Please review the PSY699 Week Five discussion case file (Links to an external site.) or detailed information on the current […]

PCN-527 Topic 3 DQ 2

Topic 3 DQ 2 Since the 1970s, have the effects of cocaine use on society gotten worse or better? Defend your position with examples.