Entries by Linus

W3 assignment

   In order to demonstrate an awareness of psychological career alternatives in a community setting, you will develop résumés for each of the professional experts chosen for your presentation in the Week Three discussion. Include relevant academic and professional experience that highlights their careers, appropriate skills, and expertise. Brief job descriptions identifying the major duties […]

PSY 4540 South An Ecological Model of Professional School Counseling HW

Journal Article Critique In this assignment, you will critically evaluate research studies in the field of professional counseling. For this assignment, you will search the South University Library databases to find two peer-reviewed research articles (not more than five years old) related to professional counseling. Articles from the Journal of Counseling & Development or Counseling […]


“Thinking” Please respond to the following: Think about the hundreds of decisions you made this week. Which of the heuristics (mental shortcuts) or tendencies described in Chapter 8 did you employ? Provide at least 3 examples

Case 2 workshop

Case 2 – Chapter 4 Workshop Chapter 4 Pg 169 Organizations You Rely On APA Format At least 2 scholarly resources (NOT Google) , one of your sources can be the textbook Answer all questions (some questions have multiple questions – be thorough) Minimum of 6 pages (not including Abstract or Reference page) it does including […]

still havent gotten anyone to do this right need this within hours

I only need two parts to complete this paper by today at 6:00p.m. I also need an conclusion added to it as well. need the two highlighted to bee betwee 175 to 215 words with an overall conclusion   Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word paper in which you examine the legal aspects of recordkeeping and […]

For KateTutor ONLY – Observing the Physical Context

A person’s physical environment has a direct influence on his or her behavior. Individuals interpret the interaction between the physical environment and behavior in a multitude of ways. For example, built environments are man-made environments and these environments can be structured to promote health. Research has shown that people tend to favor elements of the […]

Activities to Enhance Multicultural Empathy Discussion

after reviewing:Chapters 1-3 (Cormier)Chapters 11, 14 (Martin) Answer What activities could you do to enhance your multicultural empathy? The initial post will include at least one scholarly reference and one relevant question to the class and will be a minimum of 250 words. https://bookshelf.vitalsource.com/books/9781478631… https://bookshelf.vitalsource.com/books/9781305855… Cormier, S. Interviewing and Change Strategies for Helpers. [VitalSource Bookshelf]. […]

Training and Development and the Role of the I/O Psychologist

Training and Development and the Role of the I/O Psychologist In this assignment, which continues to build on last week’s assignment, you will create a mind map identifying the steps in the training process for a CRM program to help you understand the important role training plays in an organization. It further helps you understand […]