Entries by Linus

Non verbal communication and culture

Assignment 2: Nonverbal Communication and Culture  Using the Argosy University online library resources and the Internet, research the differences in culture and nonverbal communication. Every culture has a different understanding of what is appropriate nonverbal communication. In the United States, eye contact is a sign of attention or respect. In other cultures, eye contact is […]

Health Pscyh Paper

Gather prevalence data on smoking among women. Use one of the following data sources (World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene). Write a two page letter (single spaced, 12pt font, 1” margins) to an elected official describing the impact of the health issue on your […]

Final Project

Please ensure you read attached document for an understanding of what is expected out of this project.  It is to be 7 to 10 pages not to include title or reference page, no citation errors or grammar errors.  The target population of people for which you will be working with are disabled veterans.  any other […]

Week 11 Discussion 1

   Please no plagiarism and make sure you are able to access all resource on your own before you bid. One of the references must come from Broderick and Blewitt (2015). I need this completed by 02/06/18 at 5pm. My assigned family is Jeong. Discussion 1: Factors Influencing Development in Older Adults The transition from […]

5 pages essay

5 pages essay on a topic or person on Psychology. Double spaced. Must have: -Introduction to the topic -History of the topic -Two people who developed Phsycology -Where the topic stands today


   3. Recidivism Rates for Sex Crimes In a minimum of 500 words, post your responses to the following: Analyze the recidivism rates for sex crimes and offer your opinion, supported by research, on the effectiveness of treatment. Be sure to include research from the following article from theyonline library resources:    The lowest of […]

Psychology of Human Sexuality

Argument Papers #1, and #2  ( 2 @ 17 pts. each, 3–5 pages) (34%) By the due date, complete and post to your assignment folder a total of two, three-five page papers Doubled Space for a total of 34% of your final grade. The argument paper should begin with a one- to three-sentence statement of […]