Entries by Linus

**KIM WOODS** Professional Applications of Learning Theory in Real-Life Situations

Read the instructions in the University of Phoenix Material: Professional Applications of Learning Theory in Real-Life Situations, and select one option to complete the assignment. You can choose from the following options: Option 1: Environmental and Evolutionary Psychology Presentation Option 2: Environmental and Evolutionary Psychology Handout Option 3: Forensic Psychology Presentation Option 4: Forensic Psychology […]

Help needed

Write  a 1,000- to 1,250-word  informational article for a newspaper  in which you do the following:Describe the differences between dispositional and evolutionary or biological personality theories.Discuss the strengths and limitations of dispositional and evolutionary or biological personality theories as they apply to behavior.Discuss the Big Five personality test and how it is used to study […]

Health Determinant

During your tour of the city, describe 1 observation related to the 3 selected determinants of health. (a total of 3 observations must be described). Note indicators of high or low employment. Consider education levels, number of female head of households, and median household incomes for example.  Finally, describe a total of 3 strategies or […]

1st Behavior Therapy and Cognitive behavior Therapy

I only need 2 to 3 lines and reference on this discussion below   M Strong   Operant conditioning is known to use reinforcements such as positive and negative reinforcements and punishment to produce a desired behavior (Argosy University Online (4/2017) Module 4. Behavior Therapy 3 of 8) The idea of this theory came from […]

Non verbal communication and culture

Assignment 2: Nonverbal Communication and Culture  Using the Argosy University online library resources and the Internet, research the differences in culture and nonverbal communication. Every culture has a different understanding of what is appropriate nonverbal communication. In the United States, eye contact is a sign of attention or respect. In other cultures, eye contact is […]

Health Pscyh Paper

Gather prevalence data on smoking among women. Use one of the following data sources (World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene). Write a two page letter (single spaced, 12pt font, 1” margins) to an elected official describing the impact of the health issue on your […]

Final Project

Please ensure you read attached document for an understanding of what is expected out of this project.  It is to be 7 to 10 pages not to include title or reference page, no citation errors or grammar errors.  The target population of people for which you will be working with are disabled veterans.  any other […]