Entries by Linus

Assignment for Kim

Assignment 1: LASA 2: Exploring Personality Theories   Description In this assignment, you will define and apply various personality theories to your personal life experiences. The assignment consists of two parts. Be sure to complete both parts. Background In psychology, personality theorists have sought to understand the traits and other factors that determine our very nature. Some of these […]

AU Lost Art of Listening & Counseling and Therapy Skills Book Summary

Respond to each prompt minimum of 250 words per prompt and utilizing textbook and one scholarly source Also, please include at least one leading question follow each of your responses Do you agree that therapists can, in fact, ask too many questions? Why? Textbooks can be located at https://bookshelf.vitalsource.com/#/user/signinThe Lost art of listeningChapters 7-9 (Nichols)Counseling […]


What kinds of interest inventories might you use in your counseling practice? Why? This discussion question meets the following CACREP Standard: 2.F.7.i. Use of assessments relevant to academic/educational, career, personal, and social development.

first of 5 assignments

 Supporting Families At Risk: Website Construction This assignment provides you the opportunity to begin early construction of your website by building a foundation from which to continue development during the remaining weeks of this course and finalize in the Week Six Final Project. To prepare for this assignment, review the website creation options listed in […]

Advanced Psycholopathology Final Exam

Begin Final Exam   The Final Exam consists of eight (8) Essay questions. Use the reading   assignments thoroughly in an integrative discussion of your own understanding   of the questions posed. Remember to reference all work cited or quoted   by the text author. You should be doing this often in your responses. If you use outside […]

I was just wondering if someone could look over my investigation for me and suggest some improvements or point out…

I was just wondering if someone could look over my investigation for me and suggest some improvements or point out things that aren’t clear or don’t make sense? (I haven’t got around to changing references to Harvard style yet. Will do later) The link is below 🙂 https://www.dropbox.com/s/65i1wva8cjaxvdh/Assertiveness%20Investigation.docx Thankyou :D!!!

PSY2010 Columbia Southern Schizophrenia and Alcohol Use Disorder PPT

POWER POINT PRESENTATION PSY 2010 Unit V Instructions In this unit, you examined schizophrenia spectrum disorder as well as substance-related and other addictive disorders. For this assignment, create a PowerPoint presentation that explores schizophrenia as well as one substance-use/addictive condition. Describe symptomology, etiology, epidemiology, and at least two treatment recommendations for each. Your PowerPoint should […]

racial and ethnic identities

Review the “Framework Essay” in Section III and Readings 13, 31, and 33 in the course text. Pay particular attention to stereotypes and media representations of racial and ethnic groups. Think about how media influences racial and ethnic stereotypes. Consider positive and negative stereotypes that you are aware of. Watch a television sitcom, a drama, […]

Week 9 Discussion

Please no plagiarism and make sure you are able to access all resource on your own before you bid. One of the references must come from Sue, D. W., & Sue, D. (2016). You are expected to include at least one scholarly and peer-reviewed resource outside of those provided in the readings for each discussion […]