Entries by Linus


Week 3 – Assignment Literature Review for the Intervention Proposal In Week One, you created an annotated bibliography. It is now time to take that research and begin working on your Intervention Proposal. One of the main components of an intervention proposal is the literature review. This week you will be drafting a portion of […]

Introduction to Substance Abuse DB 2

DUE 100PM EST 400 TO 600 WORDS APA FORMAT 2 REFERENCES   Anthony Potts has been convicted of an alcohol-related driving offense and has been sentenced to 3 years probation as part of his sentence, and his case has been assigned to you. His court docket number is 55555, and his probation case file number […]

Reaction paper using APA citations and a reference page.

Read the article and write a reaction paper using APA citations and a reference page.  No cover page is necessary.  Each paper must be two pages long (acceptable if a bit longer) . While you must follow APA format, your paper does not require an abstract. Please understand that following APA format in terms of […]

Assignment 2: Logic Model and Performance Measurement

Assignment 2: Logic Model and Performance Measurement Now that you have chosen your agency or program, familiarized yourself with its purpose, and finished your needs assessment, in preparation for your final program evaluation this module, you will create a logic model. This model will help you visualize the key inputs, components, objectives, outputs, constructs, and […]

Dyslexia – Discussion

I am so happy that our book covers dyslexia. The first brain imaging lab I worked for while I was a student studied dyslexia. At the time it was a hot topic and there was even a story about the research our lab was doing in Times Magazine. Unfortunately, even though there are still so […]


Assignment 2: Action Plan to Address Drunk Driving Drunk driving is one of the largest social problems related to alcohol use. Driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol is involved in 40–45% of all fatal traffic accidents. As a result, legislators, educators, and law enforcement officers are continually attempting to find ways to prevent driving […]

Order 165499: Developmental psychology

  Type of paperEssay (Any Type) SubjectOther Number of pages1 Format of citationOther Number of cited resources0 Type of serviceWriting Ch. 10 is divide into 5 subareas: Identity, Families, Peers, Culture & Adolescent Development, and Adolescent problems. For this journal, select three different subareas and discuss the idea/concept that you learned from each one that […]

View video before answering

Watch the videos John C. Maxwell: The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership and The Difference Between Winning and Succeeding . Upon viewing these videos, which one of the points of leadership do you think you need to work on the most? Which one of the points of leadership do you feel you excel in?

Assessment related vocational and Substance abuse Counseling

Providers of vocational counseling and substance abuse treatment can vary greatly in their educational backgrounds and job titles/roles. What are some of the implications of people with different levels of  training and education providing assessment related to vocational and substance abuse counseling?  Minimum of 175 Words

Critical Review

6 FULL & WELL WRITTEN PAGES      TOPIC  SCHIZOPHRENIA    DUE 5/23/2018  I HAVE 4 PAGES, which is attached. I need at least 6 more pages ADDED which includes  ONLY THE TREATMENT of SCHIZOPHRENIA AND THE CONCLUSION. PLEASE FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS, CAREFULLY.                                                                      NO PLAGIARISM   Week 6 – Critical Review Critical Review The final assignment for this […]