Entries by Linus

Cultural Presentation

Imagine a local company has contacted you regarding new employees from a different culture. Choose a culture outside of those represented in your Learning Team. **ASIAN CULTURE**was chosen Create an 3-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint®, research-based presentation to help employees understand cultural differences in the expression of emotion and the interpretation of behaviors and traditions. Include the following in your presentation: […]

Ashford 5: – Week 4 – Journal Self-Reflection

Self-Reflection Reflecting on your learning is a useful strategy for ensuring you have a solid understanding of the content being learned. With four weeks of our course complete, it is an ideal time to stop and reflect on what you have learned and how you will use what you have learned in your work with […]

APA style research paper for PSY 150

Bullying is an increasing problem in our society today, social media has made it possible to have access to individuals with no respite. Since there is no escape from constant ridicule and body shaming, we are seeing an increase in many psychological issues. How has social media effected body image and bullying?  Is this phenomenon […]


  Weekly Discussion 1 Differences in Ethics Your assigned reading this week explains the importance of distinguishing between the types of ethics (e.g., mandatory, aspirational, principle, virtue). Understanding these differences is the foundation to ethical practice. The more professionals are anchored in an understanding of ethics and relevant applications, the more likely they will effectively […]

PSY370 Module 1 Assignment 3 -Risk Factors and Protective Factors

PSY370 Module 1 Assignment 3 -Risk Factors and Protective Factors Drug use is found among all ages, genders, races, socioeconomic statuses, educational levels, and cultures. Throughout the course, you will follow the story of Aaliyah where you will apply the concepts you learn. In this module, you will meet Aaliyah and get to know her […]

See description homework help

The lesson on intelligence presents the range of intelligence quotient scores in relation to the Normal Distribution and discusses the extremes of intelligence on either side of the curve. While we hear a lot about ‘gifted and talented’ programs in school, we don’t hear much about it after one graduates from high school or college. […]

Pysc discussion 2

After reviewing this week’s readings you will need to compose a discussion post of at least 250 words each that address the question I ask in the thread below. The purpose is to engage with the assigned readings and integrate them with other ideas and into your daily (or future) practice. Please do use terminology from […]

Discharge Summary and Summary Statement

Details: Part 1: Using the revised treatment plan completed in Topic 7, complete a discharge summary for your client using the “Discharge Summary” template. This discharge summary should address the following: What behaviors would indicate that the client is sustaining at a healthy baseline? How would you determine if Eliza met her treatment goals? What factors […]

Test Construction(5-19-18) WK-1 ASSIGNMENT

   Test Construction(5-19-18) WK-1 ASSIGNMENT Determine an attribute, skill, trait, or attitude you are interested in measuring. Develop a 10 item test measuring various aspects of the chosen topic. Describe how you went about creating the test, and how you decided on the types of test items to include. Provide an assessment of the strengths […]