Entries by Linus

Conceptualizing a Case Developmental, Sociocultural, Ethical, and Diagnostic Considerations in Counseling Children and Adolescents

Conceptualizing a Case Developmental, Sociocultural, Ethical, and Diagnostic Considerations in Counseling Children and Adolescents Due: End of Unit 3. Mental Health Counselors of children and adolescents often need to communicate with appropriate individuals, such as supervisors, parents, or other counselors, about the basic facts and issues surrounding their clients. Creating a factual summary is the […]

week four discussion industrial organization

  For this discussion: Describe a theory of motivation in the workplace and how it can effectively increase employees engagement and/or workplace productivity. Make sure you cite research that shows effectiveness of your ideas. Make sure to include at least two scholarly sources in your initial post that no one else has used if you choose the […]

Discussion—Assessment and Diagnosis

Discussion—Assessment and Diagnosis Assessment and diagnosis are the first, and most critical, parts of substance use disorder treatment. Without an accurate assessment, the client may not benefit from the treatment options selected. Review the following scenario and address the questions that follow: Julia got into a car accident at the end of her senior year […]

Week 5 – Final Paper Final Paper: A Literature Review

  Conduct a literature review (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (see Bem, 2016).  You will review and summarize relevant theory and research in order to defend a particular position (your thesis).  The topic of your literature review might come from the following list, or you may identify a different area of interest.  […]

How Does this Relate to Me?

How Does this Relate to Me? Prior to beginning this discussion, select a peer-reviewed, scholarly article from the Ashford University Library on a particular aspect of language acquisition studied from a psychological perspective. Part 1: As you were reading this week, what vocabulary was used that was unfamiliar to you or might be to your […]

Week 7 Discussion 2

   Please no plagiarism and make sure you are able to access all resource on your own before you bid. One of the references must come from Broderick and Blewitt (2015). I need this completed by 01/11/18 at 6pm. I have attached the transcript from the required video. Discussion 2: The Impact of Social Media […]


  Create a draft of the findings of the articles you have selected and how they contribute to our knowledge of this problem. Be sure to address each of the following items in your draft: 1.  Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each piece. 2.  If the articles talk to each other (that is, if […]

research 3

instructions attached below previous 2 papers and a sample paper are attached as well