Entries by Linus

Human development discussion post

Why do you think families are less physically active than in the past? What are some ways parents with preschoolers can incorporate more large movement play into the daily routine of the family? How as a therapist can you help families in this sitaution?   Must be at least 175 words and include a thought […]

Three page paper

   3-page paper tying the film: OJ: Made in America to cognitive, false memories. Not summarizing the film but discuss in relationship to the film. Make a solid connection between this film and an aspect of the justice system.

Labor Unions and Collective Bargaining Agreements

Re: Labor Unions and Collective Bargaining Agreements In the current day and time is there still a need for labor unions and collective bargaining agreements? Why or why not? In addition to presenting your opinion, you will need to also provide support for why you have selected your position. So for example, if you indicate […]


   In this assignment, you will be challenged to look at how statistical tests, such as correlation are commonly used and the possible limitations of such analyses. In addition, you will need to identify the appropriate application of course-specified statistical tests, examine assumptions and limitations of course specified statistical tests, and communicate in writing critiques […]


This is a team assignment. My part is the intro, conclusion, and graphs. I poste the other team memebers parts to help and the instructions.   Determine what these indicators are for each state and gender within your Learning Team.  Create a visual representation of each culture using graphs in Microsoft® Word, Excel®, or another program. You can […]

moral status

Write a 750-1000 word analysis of “Case Study: Fetal Abnormality.” Be sure to address the following questions: Which theory or theories are being used by Jessica, Marco, Maria, and Dr. Wilson to determine the moral status of the fetus? Explain. How does the theory determine or influence each of their recommendation for action? What theory […]

reality acceptance

3.5-4 pages of content no cover sheet MLA format directions attached hw post (directions) lesson 5 (powerpoint to homework) lesson 6 (next lesson lesson 4 (previous lesson)

Ethical, Legal, and Cultural Considerations=

online class  ·         Ethical, Legal, and Cultural Considerations     Ethical Considerations in Research   Transcript     Key Events in Ethical Research   Transcript   Readings   Use your Counseling Research: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods text to read the following:   Chapter 17, “Ethical Considerations in the Practice of Research,” pages 249–261. Chapter […]