Entries by Linus

Therapy type

Compare and contrast Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Adlerian Psychotherapy, and Client-Centered Psychotherapy with regard to how each views normal and abnormal development. Which theory best fits with your own personal theory of development? two to three pages

Cultural Influences on Perception

  Respond to the following prompt in a primary post of at least 150 words. Sensation refers to an actual event; perception refers to how we interpret the event. What are some cultural differences that might affect responses to particular stimuli? In other words: provide an example of something that people from two different cultures may perceive in […]

**KIM WOODS** Measures of Intelligence Presentation

Access the Mental Measurements Yearbook, located in the University Library. Select two assessments of intelligence and two achievement tests. Prepare a 12- to 15-slide presentation about your selected instruments. In your analysis, address the following: Critique the major definitions of intelligence. Determine which theory of intelligence best fits your selected instruments. Explain how the definition […]

Cognitive Literature Review

   Week 10: Final Paper Your review of the literature on cognitive psychology should be 12–15 pages long, exclusive of references. Title: The Cognitive Psychologies Theory on the Mental Process of Attention in the Human Brain The Final Paper should be a review of current literature and research on an area of cognitive psychology that […]

answer the following questions

Module 1.1: Psychologist’s Goals . (pgs. 1-15) text book: Kalat, J.W. (2016). Introduction to Psychology (11 th Ed.).  What is psychology?  What does the study of psychology allow you to do? What does it not allow you to do?  What are the three general statements used to describe principles of psychology?  […]

Evaluating a Two Eyed Approach to Research

   Briefly describe what is meant by the term research with indigenous populations and list the guiding principles developed by Snow et al. (2015). Next, evaluate the study by Rowan et al. and discuss which of those principles is evident in their work. Finally, discuss the ethical implications of attending to these principles. (See attached […]

psychology paper

  1. Study overview, purpose, and relevance (4 points) (a)  Provide a brief overview of your study.  What is your study about?  What is the purpose of your study?(2 points) (b)  Why are you interested in testing this idea? Discuss how this research builds upon the previous study you read about in assignment 1.(2 points) […]

journal week 2

Journal 2 Your journal assignments are worth 12% of your grade. Please complete them by the end of the week.  Your Assignment Read the section titled “Dreams – A Separate Reality?” on pages 177 – 179 in your text.  This section discusses theories on dreams, the history of dream interpretation, the most common characteristics of […]